Same-Sex Marriage Judge Finds That a Child Has Neither a Need Nor a Right to a Mother

8/9/2010 – Terence P. Jeffrey – U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, who ruled last week that a voter-approved amendment to California’s constitution that limited marriage to the union of one man and one woman violated the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, based that ruling in part on his finding that a child does … Read more

George Demos: We Must Rebuild Orthodox Church at Ground Zero

8/3/2010 – Anastasios Papapostolou – Greek-American Conservative Republican Candidate for Congress in the First District of New York George Demos appeared on Fox News recently. Demos called on The Port Authority’s Executive Director Chris Ward to immediately stop his bureaucratic roadblocks and that the rebuilding of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church at Ground Zero must … Read more

A Secular Argument Against Gay Marriage

Over at “The Observer“, the popular American Orthodox Institute Blog, Fr. Johannes Jacobse has posted some insightful observations in regards to the “gay marriage” issue. He correctly emphasizes that: “Christianity properly understood makes no distinction between wisdom found outside of the Church from that found within it.” 8/5/2010 – Fr. Johannes Jacobse – From: Gay … Read more

Judging Marriage, Proposition 8 Struck Down

One gay judge invalidates 7,000,000 voters in California. 8/5/2010 – Chuck Colson – Yesterday, federal district court Judge Vaughn Walker, a Reagan appointee, overturned California’s Proposition 8, which defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. While the immediate impact is limited to the state of California, the consequences of this egregious … Read more

Ground Zero is American Holy Ground. No Mosque Near Ground Zero

7/27/2010 – Fr. Johannes Jacobse – Sacred ground is more easily understood by European Christians than their American counterparts. Some events are so catastrophic, or prove to be so historically significant, that they transcend the categories we normally employ to explain them. These events must reference something higher to make sense to us. NAPLES (Catholic … Read more

ObamaCare Mythology: One Man’s Life Is Another Man’s Loss

7/20/2010 – John Griffing – If President Obama is to be believed, health care is a dwindling, finite resource that must be rationed. According to Obama, quality health care for some deprives the less fortunate of quality care. The only good health care in Obama’s worldview is that which is “redistributional.” So says Dr. Donald … Read more

Dictatorship of Relativism, Catholic Professor Fired for Being Catholic

7/12/2010 – Deacon Keith Fournier – Professor Howell is a victim of the “Dictatorship of Relativism” which Pope Benedict XVI warned of. This is an egregious violation of constitutional rights and overt censorship of speech unpopular to the Cultural revolutionaries who have grabbed the reigns of Western society. Warning to all who hold that truth … Read more