The Left’s Unlikely Alliance with Islam

8/28/2010 – Robert Eugene Simmons Jr. – As we look around the world at the countries that practice Islam as a state religion, it is almost incomprehensible that the left should defend Islam so fervently. We don’t have to look to the radicals in the Taliban or Hamas to see issues that most Americans would … Read more

Godly and Ungodly Violence

8/25/2010 – Fr. Josiah Trenham – A Parishioner Inquires: “I understand that Leo Tolstoi was an excommunicant of the Orthodox church, but in his book The Kingdom of God is Within You, he raises an interesting question. Tolstoi posits that since Christ commands us to ‘resist not’, and to ‘turn the other cheek’, we should … Read more

Fr. Peter Preble interviews Fr. Hans Jacobse on the Mosque at Ground Zero

8/18/2010 – Fr. Johannes Jacobse and Fr. Peter Preble – Fr. Peter-Michael Preble interviewed Fr. Hans Jacobse about the building of the mosque at Ground Zero after my article was published on Catholic Online. In it Fr. Hans discusses some of the ideas that inform the argument he made in his earlier article on the … Read more

What About the Ground Zero Church? Archdiocese Says Officials Abandoned Project

8/17/2010 – Judson Berger – The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America accused New York officials on Tuesday of turning their backs on the reconstruction of the only church destroyed in the Sept. 11 attacks, while the controversial mosque near Ground Zero moves forward. The sidelined project is the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, a tiny, … Read more

Official: Satellite Failure Means Decade of Global Warming Data Doubtful

8/17/2010 – John O’Sullivan – US Government admits satellite temperature readings “degraded.” All data taken offline in shock move. Global warming temperatures may be 10 to 15 degrees too high. The fault was first detected after a tip off from an anonymous member of the public to climate skeptic blog, Climate Change Fraud (view original … Read more

Re-education, It’s Not Just for Tyrants Anymore

8/16/2010 – Chuck Colson – The threat to religious freedom in this country is not a hypothetical threat. It’s real, and real people are suffering as a result. When we wrote the Manhattan Declaration last fall, we warned about “the decline in respect for religious values in the media, the academy and political leadership.” An … Read more