If You Are Not a Leftist, Why Are You Voting Democrat?

9/28/2010 – Dennis Prager – All Americans, including conservatives, understand why any leftist would vote Democrat this year. The Democratic Party is now America’s version of a European Social Democratic or even Green Party. In domestic policy, there is no significant difference between the American and European parties. So there is no question as to … Read more

Evolution: Facts, Assertions, Theories and the Catholic Faith

9/12/2010 – F. K. Bartels – Traditional textbook discussions of ancestral descent are ‘a festering mass of unsupported assertions’. A recent study conducted by Ph.D student Sarda Sahney, et al., at the University of Bristol, published in Biology Letters, used fossil evidence as a basis for analyzing evolutionary patterns over 400 million years of history. … Read more

Creating a God-Honoring Culture – Centurion Program

9/10/2010 – Chuck Colson – I have a burning passion—it’s the first item on my prayer list every day— and that’s to see a movement of Christians raised up from the churches to defend truth in the marketplace of ideas and to live out the gospel. Nothing less than this kind of an awakening can … Read more

Russian Metropolitan Blasts Anglican Communion’s Sexual Innovations

9/13/2010 – David W. Virtue – Our Church must sever its relations with those churches and communities that trample on the principles of Christian ethics and traditional morals. Here we uphold a firm stand based on Holy Scripture. In a groundbreaking address at Lambeth Palace before the Nicean Club that included the Archbishop of Canterbury, … Read more

Poor in America Grow Under Obama

9/12/2010 – Catholic Online – Since President Barack Obama has taken office, the numbers of America’s poor has steadily climbed. Working-age poor people are reaching the levels of the 1960s, before the national war on poverty. Census figures for 2009 are to be released this week, and demographers expect troubling statistics. The findings come at … Read more

St. John Chrysostom vs. Communism

by Editors – This quote was supposedly written by St. John Chrysostom. Those warnings regarding core principles that form the foundation of socialist/communist ideologies should have been heeded by the Church and taught to the people. St. John Chrysostom: “Should we look to kings and princes to put right the inequalities between rich and poor? … Read more

Why the Right Fears Transforming America — and the Left Seeks It

9/7/2010 – Dennis Prager – The giveaway regarding presidential candidate Barack Obama’s plans for America was his repeated use of the words “fundamentally transform.” Some of us instinctively reacted negatively — in fact, with horror — at the thought of fundamentally transforming America. The “us” are conservatives. One unbridgeable divide between left and right is … Read more