Liberty, Youth, and Fidelity to Truth in the Open Society

10/16/2010 – Pedro Blas González – Traveling through the world today, I get the vivid impression that a vast number of the people I meet are living with the self-conscious belief that life is a purposeless thing to be occupied with pointless, daily tasks. I encounter this in spontaneous conversations that arise in diverse places, … Read more

Vatican II and the Orthodox Bishops

10/14/2010 – Fr. Thomas Hopko – Orthodox Christians devoted to accountability are surely aware that accountability in behavior cannot be separated from accountability in understanding since practice (praxis) is necessarily connected to vision (theoreia). This conviction inspires me, given the present state of things, to raise the following question: Is it possible that the teaching … Read more

Hayek, Libertarians, and Conservatives

10/17/2010 – Ron Lipsman – Sixty-six years after its original publication, Friedrich Hayek’s masterpiece, The Road to Serfdom, continues to inspire legions of both mature and aspiring devotees of individual liberty, free markets and limited government. Hayek’s explanations of why collectivist planning must inevitably lead to tyranny are simple and logical, yet also profound and … Read more

The Cross in Torment

10/15/2010 – Stephen Brown – While Tariq Ramadan is hectoring Americans about “Islamophobia,” calling Muslims the new “blacks” in America, a synod is currently underway in the Vatican to save Christian communities in the Middle East’s Islamic countries from extinction. The flight of the region’s Christians to the West from the area where Christianity was … Read more

Eastern Christian New Media Awards: 2010 Awards Nominations Open

10/11/2010 Nominations are now open for the best Orthodox blogs in 2010! To nominate an entrant click on the link listed below and select that Category that you would like. Multiple nominations are welcomed and encouraged. Nominations aren’t votes, this is putting people on the ballot to be voted on later (during the voting phase). … Read more

Is Obama’s Position on Religious Freedom ‘Mosque, Yes; Cross, No?’

10/10/2010 – Margaret Calhoun Hemenway – It would be unimaginable for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to pursue the removal of thousands of crosses in Arlington National Cemetery, situated so near the seat of the federal government in the nation’s capital and where so many of America’s veterans and honored heroes are laid to … Read more

The Green War on Children

10/8/2010 – Michelle Malkin – Halloween isn’t for another three weeks, but environmental ghouls are on the haunt. A sadistic video released by global warming fear-mongers reveals an inconvenient truth about eco-radicals: They despise the very children for whom they claim to be saving the planet. In the opening scene of “No Pressure,” a four-minute … Read more

Thieves Hijacking the Language of the Christian Moral Tradition

10/4/2010 – Fr. Johannes Jacobse – What happens then when people leave Christianity and want to promote ideas about morality that violate the moral tradition? They have only one option: Hijack the language. They use the terms of traditional Christianity but mean very different things by them. Words don’t mean what they used to mean. … Read more

Is America a Christian Nation?

10/3/2010 – Carl Pearlston – The use of Christian religious references in the recent Presidential Inauguration prayers has served to reopen the debate over religion in America’s public life. Professor Alan Dershowitz led off with an article strongly objecting that America wasn’t a Christian nation; Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby replied that it certainly was. … Read more