Multiculturalism Today

11/7/2010 – Chuck Colson – “Multiculturalism,” wrote the British scholar Theodore Dalrymple of the Manhattan Institute, “rests on the supposition—or better, the dishonest pretense—that all cultures are equal.” So, the argument for multiculturalism goes, no culture is superior to another, and no culture should compete with any other. And if we understand that, we can … Read more

Deafening Silence, Moral Issues in the Election

10/27/2010 – Chuck Colson – Next Tuesday, I hope you will do your Christian duty and head to the polls to vote for the candidate of your choice. I trust that your faith will guide you in your decision. Which candidate will best promote justice and preserve order? After all, those are the biblically-sanctioned roles … Read more

Democratic Ad: Catholic Church More Concerned About Abortion Than Poor

10/26/2010 – Steven Ertelt – A campaign postcard the Minnesota Democratic Party sent to voters in the Midwestern state is causing a strong reaction from pro-life advocates. It claims the Catholic Church is more concerned with abortion than helping the poor. The postcard features a large photo of a older but faceless Catholic priest holding … Read more

God, Liberals and Liberty

by Dennis Prager – America’s anomalous religiosity is very much worth celebrating — not because it leads to affluence, but because it is indispensible to liberty. Had Blow made a liberty chart rather than an affluence chart, he might have noted that the freest country in the world — for 234 years — the United … Read more

Can a Catholic Accept Evolutionary Theory Uncritically?

10/24/2010 – Msgr. Charles Pope – Sobriety about Evolutionary Theory – It is common to experience a rather simplistic notion among Catholics that the Theory of Evolution can be reconciled easily with the Biblical accounts and with our faith. Many will say something like this: “I have no problem with God setting things up so … Read more

Penguins are not gay, they are just lonely

Science has debunked another liberal distortion that observed penguin behavior proves that homosexuality is normal and natural. It turns out these penguins are simply lonely and once they find a female mate, all of them pair up, bond normally, and raise a chick. 10/21/2010 – Louise Gray – The homosexual behaviour of male king penguins … Read more