Prominent Coptic Editor in Egypt: ‘I Accuse!’

by James Lewis – On January 1, 2011, a hugely important terror attack took place in Egypt that you probably were not told about. A terrorist bomb went off at the al-Qiddissin (Saints) Church in Alexandria, Egypt, killing innocent civilians in the usual ruthless and bloodthirsty manner. The Western media hardly noticed, but the shock … Read more

In Defense Of The Christmas Tree

by Fr. Daniel Daly – Our Christmas tree is derived, not from the pagan yule tree, but from the paradise tree adorned with apples on December 24 in honor of Adam and Eve. The Christmas tree is completely biblical in origin. Several years ago during the Christmas season, a religious program on television caught my … Read more

The ‘Small’ God Who Brought Heaven Down to Earth

12/23/2010 – Rev. Robert A. Sirico – That the eternal God should deign to co-mingle in time and space with humanity does tell us something, not about the ‘smallness’ of God, but about the inestimable dignity of the human person who is created in the image of the Lord of History. Thus it tells us … Read more

New Report: Prime-Time TV Trend of Sexualizing Underage Girls

12/18/2010 – CNA – A new study showing that teen girls are depicted sexually on prime-time TV more than adults has critics condemning the trend as a sinister fixation on underage young women. The Parents Television Council issued a report on Dec. 15 which found that in popular TV series, underage female characters appearing on … Read more

Capitalism’s Gift of Peace

12/15/2010 – J.T. Young – The Korean peninsula demonstrates the fundamental differences between free and fettered markets. As always, there are the free market’s obvious attributes of prosperity and democracy. However as recent events have shown, peace should not be overlooked. And just as importantly, neither should its proper attribution to a free market. In … Read more

Death of the Global Warming Myth

12/11/2010 – Peter Heck – When your cockamamie theory is collapsing around you, it’s probably best to take your plight to a higher power. But if that isn’t possible, a fake jaguar goddess could work. According to the Washington Post, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, invoked the ancient … Read more