A culture exposed

by Mike Aquilina – We’ve come a long way, baby. And we’ve ended up back where we started before the rise of Christianity. In the Church’s infancy, the age of the Fathers, abortion and infanticide were commonplace events, requiring little deliberation. Archeology has yielded us a rare glimpse at the inner life of ordinary people … Read more

Libeling the Right: The Key to the Left’s Success

by Dennis Prager – Last week, following the murder of six people and the attempted murder of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, the American people were given a vivid display of the single most important tactic of the left: libeling opponents. Most Americans have been naively and blissfully unaware of this aspect of the left’s … Read more

Marching on the Right Side of History

by Jennifer Roback Morse – Defenders of marriage should draw hope and courage from the pro-life movement’s success. As an advocate of conjugal marriage, I am often told that I am on the “wrong side of History.” The justice of “marriage equality” is overwhelming; the younger generation favors it; same sex marriage is inevitable. But … Read more

The Miracle of Life – A Meditation on Mystery and Beauty of Life as we March

by Msgr. Charles Pope – The magnificence of life is really too wonderful to describe. But I found this description some years ago which summons reverence by its very ability to baffle the mind: MIRACLE OF LIFE– Consider the miracle of the human body. Its chemistry is just as extraordinarily well tuned as is the … Read more

Abortionist Brutally Murdered Hundreds of Living Newborns: Clinic Worker

by Kathleen Gilbert – A massive, photograph-laden Grand Jury Report released Wednesday has detailed the bone-chilling practices of a Philadelphia abortionist, who clinic workers testified had delivered “hundreds” of living, breathing newborn children before severing their spinal cords or slitting their necks to complete the abortions. Abortionist Kermit Gosnell was arrested Wednesday for eight counts … Read more

Fr. Johannes: Philadelphia – The Cost of Equivocation

by Fr. Johannes Jacobse – Why such outrage over the Philadelphia abortionist? What moral difference is there between severing the spinal cord of a newborn with a pair of scissors and dismembering a baby with a scalpel a few moments before its birth? There isn’t any. Yet the outcry over the brutality indicates that the … Read more

Metropolitan Jonah’s Message for Sanctity of Life Sunday 2011

Dearly Beloved in Christ: The Orthodox Church is like St John the Baptist crying out in the wilderness, or Jesus baptizing by the Jordan. We, like them, preach a message of repentance and the remission of sins in the new desert, the decadent culture of the modern West, mired in the chaos of moral collapse. … Read more

Running for Their Lives, Christians in the Middle East

by Chuck Colson – “As the last of Baghdad’s and Mosul’s Christian population packs up their cares and flees for their lives,” writes international religious freedom expert Nina Shea, people are finally taking notice. Before the Iraq War began, Christians comprised about five percent of the population of Iraq. Since then more than half have … Read more

The Philadelphia Horror

by Michelle Malkin – Let’s give the “climate of hate” rhetoric a rest for a moment. It’s time to talk about the climate of death, in which the abortion industry thrives unchecked. Dehumanizing rhetoric, rationalizing language, and a callous disregard for life have numbed America to its monstrous consequences. Consider the Philadelphia Horror. In the … Read more