In Vietnam, Hating Communism Anew

by Dennis Prager – Seeing the Communist North induces outrage at the senseless deaths and historical lies. Here is the truth: Every Communist dictator in the world has been a megalomaniacal, cult-of-personality, power-hungry, bloodthirsty thug. Ho Chi Minh was no different. He murdered his opponents, tortured only-God-knows-how-many innocent Vietnamese, and threatened millions into fighting for … Read more

Colson: The Desire for Freedom, It’s Written on Our Hearts

by Chuck Colson – What’s happening in the Middle East is one of the most volatile international situations since 9/11. Will the government win? Will radical Islamists highjack what might be a nascent democratic movement? Nobody knows. But one thing should be very clear to anybody who is paying close attention—especially to Christians: People everywhere, … Read more

Religious Left Despised Ronald Reagan

by Mark Tooley – Jim Wallis’ Evangelical Left Sojourners has helpfully reminded us, amid all the hagiography about Ronald Reagan on the centennial of his birth, that the Religious Left despised him. Some Religious Leftists doubtless still do. Sojourners magazine editor Jim Rice recently recalled Sojourners’ 2004 observations about Reagan upon his death. “Reagan’s policies … Read more

A culture exposed

by Mike Aquilina – We’ve come a long way, baby. And we’ve ended up back where we started before the rise of Christianity. In the Church’s infancy, the age of the Fathers, abortion and infanticide were commonplace events, requiring little deliberation. Archeology has yielded us a rare glimpse at the inner life of ordinary people … Read more

Libeling the Right: The Key to the Left’s Success

by Dennis Prager – Last week, following the murder of six people and the attempted murder of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, the American people were given a vivid display of the single most important tactic of the left: libeling opponents. Most Americans have been naively and blissfully unaware of this aspect of the left’s … Read more

Marching on the Right Side of History

by Jennifer Roback Morse – Defenders of marriage should draw hope and courage from the pro-life movement’s success. As an advocate of conjugal marriage, I am often told that I am on the “wrong side of History.” The justice of “marriage equality” is overwhelming; the younger generation favors it; same sex marriage is inevitable. But … Read more