Homosexualist Books Infect Public Schools to Groom and Sexualize Children with Perversions

by Richard L. Cravatts – Public schools continually introduce books to normalize extreme sexual behaviors to groom children into accepting homosexual perversions and deviant lifestyles and behaviors. … While parents and school boards have long questioned titles that some consider objectionable, inappropriate, indecent, or lewd, complaints from parents and school boards about offensive books currently … Read more

Why Does God Put Us Through Trials?

by Vladimir Basenkov – So that we finally believe in Him. The unit for measuring faith has not been invented yet, but its value determines the degree and the character of a person’s closeness to God. There are fewer convinced atheists than we think. When asked whether or not they recognize the existence of God, … Read more

Crumbling Narratives Leave the Ruling Class with Everything to Fear

by J.B. Shurk – Here’s what our COVID-1984 authoritarians want: they seek to use pandemics, wars, uncontrolled immigration, doomsday climate predictions, and “woke” cultural Marxism to keep people in a constant state of fear, divided among themselves, and willing to hand over their freedoms for evaporative promises of protection.  “Protection” in this racket means survival but not life, equity but not fairness, financial handouts but not … Read more

Parents Must Fight to Prevent the Fallen World from Stealing Their Children

by Fr. Octavian Moşin – Our main duty is to surround the children with care and prevent any harmful influence from entering their souls or stealing them from us. To create a family is about denouncing oneself for the sake of the love of your neighbor. On the whole, I think that family is akin … Read more

Irreversible Damage Inflicted on Children by Transgender Delusion

by Al Stewart – A decade ago, the number of people in the USA identifying as transgender was approximately 1 in 10,000 (0.01%). Now 2% (1 in 50) of high school students, identify as transgender. (See page 32) [A 20,000% increase in just 10 years!] Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters is a … Read more

Cultivate the Spiritual Discipline of Gratitude

by Fr. Luke A. Veronis – The spiritual discipline of gratitude helps us to discover life from the perspective of God. Gratitude as a spiritual discipline. Gratitude as a choice. Let’s think about this. Sometimes, we look at gratitude as a spontaneous response to something someone has done for us. That’s nice. Yet, gratitude as … Read more

Don’t Lose Heart in the Troubling Times We Live In

by Fr. Dimitry Shishkin – Whatever may happen, we must not succumb to melancholy, but on the contrary, we must resist it with faith, courage and patience According to statistics, about seventy-five percent of our compatriots [in Russia] were baptized in the Orthodox Church. But the spirit that many of us possess, alas, is far … Read more

St. Paisios Brotherhood: Orthodox Men’s Group Challenges Men to Recover Authentic Manhood

The Brotherhood of St. Paisios – The first goal is purity of heart, growth into real manhood, the acquisition of virtue, the strengthening of manly character. The Brotherhood exists so that we can learn how to become men. Our Lord needs men to be men. Real men will be able to withstand the assaults of … Read more

Faithfully Connecting with God Leads to a Grace-Filled Christian Life

by Fr. Theodore Stylianopoulos – Genuine faith is not a theoretical affirmation of the idea of the existence of God but a personal search for God as our loving Father and unfailing hope. Much of everyday life in our divisive and confused times, which people call modern and post-modern, is marked by disconnectedness. Because of … Read more

“When It’s Safe” in Church Means Never

by Fr. Geoffrey Korz – Kindly set aside the idea that you will return to the holy services “when it’s safe”. That day will never come. At every liturgy in the Orthodox Church, just before the singing of the Nicene Creed, the priest or the deacon intones the words, “The doors! The doors!” This call … Read more