To Seek God and to Let Oneself Be Found by Him

by Deacon Keith Fournier – Naturally, the humility of reason is always needed, in order to accept it: man’s humility, which responds to God’s humility Christians of the nascent Church did not regard their missionary proclamation as propaganda, but as an inner necessity, consequent upon the nature of their faith: the God in whom they … Read more

Unfit to Foster, Christianity an ‘Infection?’

by Chuck Colson – For 15 years, Owen and Eunice Johns served as foster parents to British children. Social workers praised them as “kind and hospitable people” who “respond sensitively to” children. But London’s High Court has just ruled that the Johnses are unfit to foster. The reason: The Johnses are devout Christians, and their … Read more

Exchanging the Truth of God for a Lie: Transgender Activists, Cultural Revolution

by Deacon Keith Fournier – The Gender Identity Movement demands the recognition of a ‘right’ to choose one’s gender and laws which accommodate, fund, and enforce such a ‘right’ The “Gender Identity Movement” is dangerous. It is a part of a broader Cultural Revolution which substitutes an entirely different view of the dignity of the … Read more

ACLU v. Religious Liberty

by J. Matt Barber – Irony is defined as “the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.” The term doublespeak means “evasive, ambiguous language that is intended to deceive or confuse.” There is perhaps no greater example of ironic doublespeak than inclusion of the phrase “civil liberties” … Read more

The Reasonableness of Christianity

by Jack Kerwick – Contrary to atheistic boilerplate, Christianity is anything but a crutch for the weak minded and timid hearted. Christians have gone to great lengths over the centuries to show that, while reason is no substitute for faith, and while it can never occupy anything other than a subordinate position with respect to … Read more

Vigorous Defense, Getting Serious About DOMA

by Chuck Colson – As I have told you, the President and the attorney general will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act in the courts. It’s outrageous, it’s disingenuous, but it’s not the end of the story. As a co-equal branch of government, Congress has a stake in seeing that the laws it … Read more

Social Leveling: Socialism and Secularism

by Hunter Baker – Social leveling is something that we typically associate with the destruction of material differences between human beings. It is the socialist dream of a classless society in which distinctions, usually the result of economic variation, are made irrelevant. The state, empowered by the political action of the masses (or at least … Read more

Time for War Against Democrats’ Fiscal Sabotage

by David Limbaugh – It is amazing that the American people would continue to elect Democratic politicians to national office, considering Democrats’ cynical disregard for the federal budget crisis. They aren’t even slightly serious about becoming part of the solution. Consider the Senate Democrats’ most recent proposal for budget cuts to avert a government shutdown. … Read more