Education that Corrupts

by Chuck Rogér It is the job of educators to “change the thoughts, feelings, and actions of students.” So proclaimed psychologist Benjamin Bloom, originator of Outcome-Based Education. The U.S. Department of Education was created in 1979, setting the stage for Bloom’s decree only two years later. In the 1980s, the already ugly transformation of America’s … Read more

Pelosi and Progressive Neo-Leninism

by Marvin Folkertsma Nancy Pelosi’s ascension to the speakership in 2006 launched exuberant encomiums to the democratic process, inspiring her further to shout to her vote-challenged opponents in a tone somewhere between a chortle and a boast, “We won the election!” The Democrats’ victory was sufficient to inflict ObamaCare on the nation as well as … Read more

Defending Constantine and Christendom

by Mark Tooley The destruction of Osama bin Laden underlines how many U.S. church voices, even since 9/11, have adamently insisted that Christianity demands pacifism. Much of the Evangelical Left, so influential on Christian college campuses and increasingly prominent in Washington, D.C., relies on neo-Anabaptist beliefs. Sojourners activist Jim Wallis, who last week launched a … Read more

The Danger in Severing God from America’s Identity

by William Sullivan – It is beyond dispute that there is a link between socialism and American progressivism. Both flawed ideologies are predicated upon the soundness of a large and powerful government designed to disperse the fruits of labor by seizing means and property from the productive. And as many conservatives are quick to point … Read more

The Welfare State and the Selfish Society

by Dennis Prager – In the contemporary world, where left-wing attitudes are regarded as normative, it is a given that capitalism, with its free market and profit motive, emanates from and creates selfishness, while socialism, the welfare state and the “social compact,” as it is increasingly referred to, emanate from and produce selflessness. The opposite … Read more

Celebrating the Resurrection

by Mark Tooley Hundreds of millions of Christians will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. And after a century and a half of liberal Protestant attempts to redefine the resurrection into merely a metaphor, the vast majority of Christians still believe that Christ’s body physically arose. Revisionist theologians still find airtime on … Read more

Why Obama Doesn’t Think Much of Easter

by L.D. Breen The media and the blogosphere are abuzz with dumbfounded reactions to the White House’s snub of Christians during the weekend. No presidential proclamation celebrating Christianity’s highest holy day of Easter was issued, compounded by the White House chief spokesman’s scoffing response to reporters’ questions about the omission. As Fox News noted on … Read more