Gay Columnist: We Want to Indoctrinate Children

by Kathleen Gilbert As the same-sex “marriage” battle heats up again in New York, one writer at a prominent gay news source is questioning why his lobby refuses to admit that the gay agenda involves “indoctrinating” schoolchildren to accept homosexuality. Queerty contributor Daniel Villarreal criticized (WARNING site contains inappropriate images) the homosexual movement’s knee-jerk reaction … Read more

Is Owning a Pet Discriminatory?

by Chuck Colson – Do you own a pet? Well if you say you do, you are a purveyor of prejudice. At least that’s what some so-called “leading academics” are saying. You see, according to the Rev’d Professor Andrew Linzey, director of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, we shouldn’t even use the word “pet,” … Read more

Blagovest Bells Appeal to Orthodox Community

by Mark Galperin – Dear Brothers and Sisters, Christ in our midst! Since 1998, upon the blessing of Father Stephan Meholick, Rector of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in San Anselmo, California, I have tried to create an awareness of the once self-evident essential role of bell-ringing in Orthodox worship as prescribed by the Church’s typikon. … Read more

Secularists, or Just Anti-Christians?

by Keith Riler The liberal activists we know as secularists do not behave as broadly as the term might imply. When held to their own standards of tolerance and fairness, these focused meddlers fail because, in truth, secularists are just anti-Christians. The intriguing question is why. First, are secularists particularly hostile to Christianity? A recent … Read more

The Courage to Refuse to Cooperate in Evil

by Fr. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. – Modern health care is replete with situations that tempt us to cooperate immorally in evil. An electrician by trade, Tim Roach is married with two children and lives about an hour outside Minneapolis. He was laid off his job in July 2009. After looking for work for more than … Read more

Marxism: The Inequity of Equal Outcome

by Ronald R. Cherry, MD – When individuals are free, as in athletic competition with equal rules, outcomes are naturally unequal; there will be the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Some individuals will attain superior achievement through greater creativity or greater labor, while others work less or with lesser creativity which naturally, … Read more

Perversion of Democracy

Gay ‘Marriage’ and The Law – by Chuck Colson – For two years now, I’ve warned that the drive for so-called “gay marriage” was the greatest threat to religious liberty we’ve ever faced. But I think I may have underestimated the threat, because now I fear the democratic process and the rule of law are … Read more

Egyptian Christians Are ‘Under Organised Attack’ from Muslims

by Richard Spencer – A priest whose church was at the centre of sectarian riots at the weekend has said Egyptian Christians were “under organised attack” as religious authorities warned the country was at risk of civil war. Armed troops and riot police guarded the streets around St Mena’s church and nearby burned-out shops and … Read more

Christophobia in the Muslim World

by John Eibner – Last weekend’s scenes of anti-Christian mob violence in Cairo, against a background of churches in flames, is a powerful reminder of a grim reality: Non-Muslim communities have become endangered species throughout much of the Islamic world. Some statesmen have begun to acknowledge the existential crisis facing non-Muslims. Former Lebanese Prime Minister … Read more

Gay Activists Bullying the Boy Scouts

by Chuck Colson – I’ve been warning you that the current push to legitimize homosexual conduct and so-called gay “marriage” represents today’s greatest threat to religious liberty. I’ve told you about attacks against iPhone apps for the Manhattan Declaration and Exodus International, as well as a boycott of Chick-fil-a. Their crime? Supporting marriage as only … Read more