Immune to Reform

Teachers’ unions will never willingly give up their power, says Terry Moe. by Marcus A. Winters – Last fall, I took my wife—a well-informed, intelligent professional who unintentionally married into the contentious world of education reform—to see Davis Guggenheim’s documentary about the plight of America’s public schools, Waiting for Superman. She left the theater convinced … Read more

The Post-Economic Age

by Bruce Walker – The Left, grounded in the childish superstitions of Marx, views life as economics. One awful flowering of this dangerous silliness is the proliferation of victims. The resource-rich nations of long decolonized Africa and Asia, for example, remain poor because of imperialist exploitation by America and Europe. Women and racial minorities are … Read more

The Cost of Adaptations Limits Evolution

by Brian Thomas, M.S. – Living forms supposedly evolved by adapting to environmental challenges. It is generally assumed that they did this by gradually acquiring the needed genetic mutations until brand new features arose and whole creatures eventually morphed into totally different ones. But does real science support this story? Experiments with bacteria continue to … Read more

How Russians survived militant atheism to embrace God

by Walter Rodgers – Today, less than 20 years after the collapse of the officially atheistic Soviet Union, Russia has emerged as the most God-believing nation in Europe. That’s a testament to the devotion of babushkas who kept the flames of faith alive in the face of state-sponsored repression. Sometimes really huge news stories occur … Read more

An interview with the creator of “Good Guys Wear Black”

Fr. John A. Peck serves at St. George Orthodox Church in Prescott, AZ and is already well known as the administrator of the “Preachers Institute” and “Journey to Orthodoxy” websites. Recently he launched a site called “Good Guys Wear Black,” which aims to provide a resource for men discerning their vocation to the priesthood. Fr. … Read more

What Weiner Did Was Worse Than an Affair

by Dennis Prager – To their credit, most Democratic Party leaders have (finally) called for New York Rep. Anthony Weiner’s resignation. But among liberal commentators and millions of other Americans, there is a great deal of flawed thinking about whether Weiner should resign. The two most common arguments offered against his resigning have been that … Read more