Northeast Priests Reaffirm Traditional Marriage Teaching of the Orthodox Church

– OCA Priests in NY and NJ To The Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey The political and ethical current of contemporary American society has once again been agitated by the recent legislative legalization of so-called “same sex marriages” in the State of New York. While the majority of … Read more

California Paves Way for Blatant Homosexual Promotion in Schools

“It is an outrage that Governor Jerry Brown has opened the classroom door for homosexual activists to indoctrinate the minds of California’s youth, since no factual materials would be allowed to be presented,” said Rev. Louis Sheldon, chairman and founder of Traditional Values Coalition (TVC). “By signing SB 48 today, California’s classrooms, textbooks and instructional … Read more

Where Did Our Time Go? Typewriters and the Disappearance of Time

by Fr Geoffrey Korz – The natural limits of time and season, as defined by God’s created world, began to erode with the advent of candles and indoor heating. Gaslight, then electric light, extended the boundaries of civilized waking hours well beyond dusk. Television and other unlimited forms of personal entertainment presented a hundred excuses … Read more

Crying, The Tragedy of Sex-Selection Abortion

by Chuck Colson – On Sunday, June 26, CNN aired a heart-breaking report, “Nepal’s Stolen Children.” The documentary, narrated by actress Demi Moore, told the story of Nepalese girls who were sold into slavery and turned into prostitutes in neighboring India. During the broadcast Moore broke down and cried and spoke about making sure this … Read more

Conservative Heretics

by William Sullivan – Chris Matthews recently crowed that Republicans and Tea Party conservatives are bringing about the end of days, “economic Armageddon,” by their stubborn faith in the “religion of no taxes.” If you haven’t already, take a moment to savor the delightful hilarity of Chris Matthews lambasting conservatives as the blind acolytes of … Read more

The Need For A Militant Conservative Movement

by Michael Filozof – Late last week, the New York State Senate voted to legalize homosexual marriage, giving equality with heterosexual marriage, the foundational unit of every single human society in the last 5,000 years of recorded history. This is an enormous victory for the gay rights movement and for the American left. Like most … Read more