OCA Laity Urges OCA to Adopt “Sanctity of Marriage Sunday”

From Parishioners of St. Nicholas Cathedral: “St. Nicholas Cathedral in Washington DC has sent five resolutions to the OCA’s Resolution Committee for consideration at the upcoming 16th All American Council. The resolutions can be found at www.OCALaity.com. The resolutions deal with marriage, our OCA youth, monasteries, child sexual abuse, and a deaf outreach. Of particular … Read more

The Persecution of Christians in the Middle East

by Cheryl Halpern – The terrible violence in Oslo last month has brought the world’s attention to the ravings of a madman and a murderer — someone who was motivated to kill fellow Christians because he feels they had acquiesced to a takeover by Islam. Our revulsion is appropriate — this was the killing of … Read more

A Christian Response to the Ongoing Enslavement of America’s Poor

by Fr. Peter-Michael Preble – Yesterday, President Obama signed a law that will raise the debt ceiling and continue to enslave the American people for another three or four years. It has reduced the national debit some but it seems to me at least that it has not gone far enough. Just so you know, … Read more

Orthodox Bishops Must Speak Out Against the Homosexual Agenda

by Fr. Johannes Jacobse – When the light shines, the darkness is made manifest scripture tells us and nowhere is this clearer than in the debate about the morality of homosexuality in the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). Most readers know that this debate is heating up, driven in large part by the Facebook group … Read more

Bishop Matthias Reaffirms Orthodox Teaching on Homosexuality

Beloved Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese of the Midwest, Christ is in our midst! Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who … Read more

Extremism and the Democratic Party

by James M. Thunder – Democratic leaders and liberal commentators declaim against the Tea Party members of the Republican House and Grover Norquist​ for the no-new-taxes pledge to which many Republican Senators and House members have subscribed and have promised their constituents in return for their vote. They are lambasted for their “extremism” in the … Read more