The Wacky World of Liberal Fundamentalism

by Robert Weissberg – The candidacies of Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, Bible-affirming Christians, predictably have ignited the liberal media’s zeal for exposing their allegedly odd if not wacko religious beliefs (see here).  Support for some version of creationism, a faith in the efficacy of prayer, and actual belief in scriptural condemnation of homosexuality (among … Read more

Christian Church facing a revolution that is shaking its foundations: the gay revolution

by Albert Mohler – The Christian church has faced no shortage of challenges in its 2,000-year history. But now it’s facing a challenge that is shaking its foundations: homosexuality. To many onlookers, this seems strange or even tragic. Why can’t Christians just join the revolution? And make no mistake, it is a moral revolution. As … Read more

Facebook “Listening” Group Drags Culture Wars into the Orthodox Church

by Fr. Johannes L. Jacobse – Progressive fads sweep through the culture like clockwork. Remember the impending global ice age in the 1970s that morphed into global warming today? How about the fight about abortion where anyone who dared criticize it was branded as a hater of women? Remember the Equal Rights Amendment and how … Read more

A Response to an Open Letter on Homosexuality

by Fr. John Whiteford In response to the debate about homosexuality that is currently going on in the OCA, there is now an “Open letter to OCA Holy Synod from college students and young adults” that has been sent to the bishops of the OCA, and is making the rounds on the internet. This letter … Read more

British Degeneracy on Parade

by Theodore Dalrymple The ferocious criminality exhibited by an uncomfortably large section of the English population during the current riots has not surprised me in the least. I have been writing about it, in its slightly less acute manifestations, for the past 20 years. To have spotted it required no great perspicacity on my part; … Read more

Couretas: Protect the Poor, Not Poverty Programs

by John Couretas One of the disturbing aspects of the liberal/progressive faith campaign known as the Circle of Protection is that its organizers have such little regard – indeed are blind to — the innate freedom of the human person. Their campaign, which has published “A Statement on Why We Need to Protect Programs for … Read more

Obama Downgraded, Tea Party Vindicated

by Peter Ferrara President Obama achieved the historic downgrading of America’s credit rating the old-fashioned way. He earned it. He came into office with federal spending already near an historic peak, with a percent of GDP at 20.7 percent and having increased by one-seventh during the Bush years. One year earlier Bush had joined with … Read more