Obama and the Burden of Exceptionalism

by Shelby Steele – If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a hundred times: President Obama is destroying the country. Some say this destructiveness is intended; most say it is inadvertent, an outgrowth of inexperience, ideological wrong-headedness and an oddly undefined character. Indeed, on the matter of Mr. Obama’s character, today’s left now sounds … Read more

How to defend your children against pro-gay lessons in the classroom

by John-Henry Westen – As young people across North America head back to school next week parents need to attend to more than just making sure the back-to-school clothes and utensils are in place. There is an unprecedented attack on morals coming from the school. Particularly in the area of sexuality, so-called public morality has … Read more

Can Warren Buffett Do Simple Arithmetic?

Notice the striking similarities in misrepresenting the facts and seeming to lack basic math skills when making pronouncements on taxes and embracing a liberal/progressive agenda? by Verum Serum – As you probably heard, Warren Buffett wrote an op-ed last week begging to be taxed at a higher rate. Rather than give you an excerpt of … Read more

Liberals’ View of Darwin Unable to Evolve

by Ann Coulter – Amid the hoots at Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry for saying there were “gaps” in the theory of evolution, the strongest evidence for Darwinism presented by these soi-disant rationalists was a 9-year-old boy quoted in The New York Times. After his mother had pushed him in front of Perry on the … Read more

The Church as the Bride of Caesar

by Fr. Robert A. Sirico – It is telling that the Washington Post report on the religious Left’s Circle of Protection campaign for big government describes the effort as one that would “send chills through any politician who looks to churches and religious groups as a source of large voting blocs,” because, in fact, this is not … Read more

Sun Causes Climate Change, Not Humans

by Lawrence Solomon – New, convincing evidence indicates global warming is caused by cosmic rays and the sun — not humans The science is now all-but-settled on global warming, convincing new evidence demonstrates, but Al Gore, the IPCC and other global warming doomsayers won’t be celebrating. The new findings point to cosmic rays and the … Read more

Families of 9/11 Victims Knocking on America’s Door

by Rev Michael Bresciani – It is no secret that New York’s Mayor Bloomberg has decided not to ask clergy of any religion to be part in the tenth anniversary ceremonies at Ground Zero. A cross section of responses from both religious and secular sources shows that most people are shocked or at the least … Read more

Archbishop: New York Times, CNN, MSNBC can’t be trusted on abortion, faith

by Jeremy Kryn – When it comes to finding information on vital issues like abortion, same-sex “marriage,” and faith, the mainstream media simply can’t be trusted, the incoming archbishop of Philadelphia told a group of youth in Spain last week. “Being uninformed about the world and its problems and issues is a sin against our … Read more