What the Pilgrims Can Teach Us about Economic Freedom

Economic Freedom – The Pilgrims struggling to survive at Plymouth Plantation learned the importance of private property first-hand in 1623 when Governor Bradford adopted a free-enterprise system after just two years of communal sharing. Their experiment with socialism revealed valuable lessons that inspired the colony to shift to a free-market economic system that would serve … Read more

Radicals Don’t Compromise

by Jeffrey Folks – As the impasse at the deficit reduction supercommittee shows, Congress’s inability to get things done is once again on display. The blame for this failure has been widely attributed to the “unwillingness of both sides to work together,” but the reality is that liberal Democrats on the committee never intended to … Read more

Citizen, Heal Thyself

by James Hitchcock – Social Sins Are Easily & Fashionably Confessed A major divergence between orthodox and modernist religious believers is the distinction between “personal” and “social” sins, with the orthodox pointing out that individual offenses against the Ten Commandments​—profanity, lying, murder, theft, adultery—have always been at the center of Christian moral teaching and liberals … Read more

Socialism’s Fundamental Flaws

by Andy Logar – The official, ultimate demise of the greatest socialist experiment in history, that of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, occurred, ironically, on Christmas Day 1991, but only after it had dispossessed, imprisoned, tortured and murdered untold millions of its own citizen in the quest for the workers’ chimerical paradise of equality … Read more

Finding America: Our History Flows From our Belief in Self-Evident Truths

by Peg Luksik – What, exactly, makes this nation “America”? It’s not economics. Economic conditions are always the result of a nation’s culture and policies, not the cause. We need to ask what created the culture and policies that made us the most prosperous nation in history. The answer tells us what we, as a … Read more

Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz says Children in the Womb are Not Persons

by Deacon Keith Fournier – On November 8, 2011, the people of Mississippi will have an opportunity to cast their vote to affirm a scientific fact, that a human being in the womb of his or her mother is a human person from the moment of conception. The lieutenant Governor of the State recently expressed … Read more