All Mount Athos Monasteries Denounce Scandalous Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple

Monks and Abbots of Mt. Athos – It is clearly foreign to the teaching of the Gospel and the Orthodox ethos to allow it to be understood that a “same-sex couple” can be considered as a family and to recognize the right of such a couple to adopt children On the occasion of recent public … Read more

OCA Synod Categorically Rejects Same-Sex Unions and Homosexual Self-Identity

We reject any attempt to create a theological framework which would normalize same-sex erotic relationships or distort humanity’s God-given sexual identity. by OCA Synod – The Orthodox Church teaches that the union between a man and a woman in marriage reflects the union between Christ and His Church (Eph. 5). As such, marriage is by … Read more

Reasons Why The Orthodox Church Cannot Baptize Surrogate Children of Homosexual Couples

by Fr. Antoine Melki – There were many reactions in the news and on social media to the Baptism celebrated by Abp. Elpidophoros, the head of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, of two children from a surrogate mother, whose paternity is claimed by two men who declare an association in a same-sex marriage. Some … Read more

Celebrating Abnormal Behavior Always Makes Things Worse

by Anthony Esolen – Some years ago, in Defending Marriage: Twelve Arguments for Sanity, I wrote, as the ninth argument, that “to celebrate an abnormal behavior makes things worse, not better, for those inclined to engage in it.” I believe that that statement, right now, would be quite uncontroversial in any other area of human … Read more

Met. Seraphim of Piraeus Denounces Heretical Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple

by Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus – Consequently, this particular Hierarch … preferred the “modern gospel” of the serpent to the teaching of the Church and is now under the curse of the Holy and God-bearing Fathers We have emphasized in many of our interventions that the Church, the Body of Christ according to the heavenly … Read more

Met. Antonios of Glyfada was Deceived by Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple

Metropolitan Antonios of Glyfada released a public statement indicating that he was deceived by Abp. Elpidophoros regarding the kind of baptism that was going to be performed in his church in Greece. Elpidophoros failed to mention he was going to baptize surrogate children of “married” homosexuals in order to get Metropolitan Antonios’ approval. As reported … Read more

Elpidophoros Baptizes Surrogate Children of “Married” Homosexuals

by Nick Stamatakis – AB Elpidophoros took an unannounced trip to Greece and proceeded to legitimize gay marriage by baptizing the children of a famous gay couple (born by surrogate mother)!! I am truly incredulous writing these lines as this initiative by the Archbishop is something that should never have happened in Orthodoxy, where all … Read more

Bold Faith in a Secular World: Be on Fire for God’s Holy Word

by Jackie Morfesis – Realign your priorities with God’s law. Be on fire for His Holy Word. Eastern Orthodox Christianity is timeless, beautiful, and profoundly critical, crucial and relevant in today’s world as a testament to God’s eternal love and glory. It is also in dire and critical need of a reset. Yes. A reset. … Read more

Sin is Nothing to Be Proud Of

by Fr. Ioannes Apiarius – Sin is nothing to be proud of. Sin is nothing to celebrate. Honoring sin is from the devil. Self-identifying with sin destroys the image of God in man and makes a mockery of the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Orthodox Church. Brainwashing innocent children, teens, and … Read more