Equipping Teenagers to Navigate Life

by Dn. Paul Zaharas – Over the past several decades the external pressures and challenges associated with parenting teenagers have been varied. Whether it was the introduction of rock and roll music, the “social scourge” of the 1950’s, or the pervasiveness of today’s social networking explosion, parents have faced the challenge of helping their children … Read more

Democrat Economic Illiteracy Has Consequences

by David Catron – The Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, visited Capitol Hill last week and claimed that the unemployment rate will increase if Congress fails to extend the eligibility period for federal unemployment benefits. My first reaction to this Orwellian assertion was a quiet chuckle. Then it dawned on me that most Democrats will … Read more

Too Many Christians are Socialists

by Bonasera – A recent poll conducted among 1500 adults confirms what we have long suspected: even Evangelical Christians support statism. The polling group — Public Religion Research Institute — determined that social issues, like abortion, are proving to be less important to Evangelical voters when compared with economic issues like unemployment. Apparently the economy … Read more

Government Gone Wild

by Monty Pelerin – Our economic problems rightfully dominate the news. However, they are merely symptoms of a bigger, underlying problem: government. For many, the previous paragraph is heresy. They “know” that government is necessary and good. They “know” that government solves problems and brings order to the chaos that would prevail in its absence. … Read more

EU Says Water Doesn’t Prevent Dehydration

by Bojidar Marinov – In the middle of a recession and a financial collapse that can easily lead to the breakdown of the European Union, European bureaucrats are spending time and money to decide if water prevents dehydration. The conclusion? After three years of scientific research, extensive correspondence, and a meeting of 21 top scientists … Read more

Fields: When Manly Virtue Died

by Suzanne Fields – Cultural forces are driving men away from traditional responsibilities These are difficult and perilous times for boys. A distorted culture has robbed them of virtue against which to measure themselves. The good once associated with masculinity in a patriarchal society has been tossed out with the bad. This, alas, is the … Read more