Orthodox Christians Take High-Visibility Role in the March for Life

by The Editors – At a religious event often dominated by massive presence of Roman Catholics, members of the Eastern Orthodox Church played a more visible role in this year’s March for Life than ever before. For the first time, the opening prayer in front of the Supreme Court was offered by His Eminence Jonah … Read more

Obama: Abortion Enables ‘Our Daughters’ To ‘Fulfill Their Dreams’

by Fred Lucas – President Barack Obama says the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade is the chance to recognize the “fundamental constitutional right” to abortion and to “continue our efforts to ensure that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams.” The 1973 U.S. Supreme Court … Read more

Orthodox Hierarchs to Participate in 2012 March for Life

OCA – Orthodox Christians everywhere — especially those within driving distance of the US capital — are encouraged to bear witness to their faith at the annual March for Life Monday, January 23, 2012. As in years past, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, will speak at the pre-March program and offer prayers for the victims of … Read more

I Finally Understand Democrats

by Johnny Alamo – After years of puzzlement and curiosity observing modern day Democrats, I think I have finally figured them out. I’m constantly amazed that modern Democrats have evolved beyond living in caves. I mean what other animal on this planet can disregard all common sense and logic and survive? Scientists have recently discovered … Read more

Obama: Birth Control Mandate is Final; Catholic Bishops Vow to Fight

by Kathleen Gilbert – After being deluged with complaints from outraged religious groups, Obama’s health department has dug in its heels, saying its decision to force employers to provide abortifacient birth control drugs will continue as planned – although faith-based groups will be given a year reprieve. In response, U.S. Catholic bishops have not minced … Read more

Silliest Pro-Abortion Argument Ever: ‘We Can’t Legislate Morality’

by Kristen Walker – Tell me if this has ever happened to you. It’s lunchtime. You are eating at your desk at work and decide to look at Facebook. It’s as exciting as ever. Your aunt had a burrito for lunch. A girl you haven’t seen since college got a new tattoo. Someone is super … Read more

The Venture Capitalist vs. The Vulture Socialist

by George Neumayr – Put the worst possible construction on Mitt Romney’s career as a venture capitalist and it still looks much better than Barack Obama’s. Pecking at the entrails of a limping economy, Obama is the vulture socialist. A president who promised to bankrupt the coal industry is in no position to gainsay Romney’s … Read more