Outrageous Choice: Religious Freedom or Healthcare?

by Chuck Colson – I’ve told you that the Obama Administration is intentionally restricting religious freedom. I’ve told you we are in danger of losing the right to exercise our faith in public. Well, maybe I’ve been too understated. The attack is relentless. Just recently, the Obama Administration announced that the Affordable Healthcare Act, otherwise … Read more

The State Ruling the Church

by Fay Voshell – This past Sunday, January 29, Roman Catholic congregations were read letters opposing the Obama administration’s demand that all Catholic universities and Catholic-based charities make sure they provide all employees access to health insurance providing artificial contraception, including abortifacients and sterilization services such as vasectomies and tubal ligations.  The “morning after” pill … Read more

Orthodox Bishops Protest Government Healthcare Mandate

Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops – The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, which is comprised of the 65 canonical Orthodox bishops in the United States, Canada and Mexico, join their voices with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and all those who adamantly protest the recent decision by the … Read more

Orthodox Bishops Assembly Silent on Moral Issues

by John Couretas – At an October 1970 meeting of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the Americas (SCOBA), which was called to discuss the burning question of an independent American Church, the presiding conference chair Archbishop Iakovos got fed up and quit. Official letters raising the subject of independence had been sent … Read more

They Have Islamist Fanatics, We Have Secularist Fanatics

by Dennis Prager – The Muslim world is threatened by religious fanaticism. The Western world is threatened by secular fanaticism. Both seek to dominate society and to use state power to do so. Both seek to eliminate the Other — for Islamic fanatics, that means non-Muslim religions and secularism; for secular fanatics, it means Christianity … Read more

You’re right Mr. President, We Need More ‘Fairness’

by Michael Bargo Jr. – Thank you Mr. President, for bringing up the issue of fairness. I’m sure that’s important to many people. One curious thing, though, with regard to the application of “fairness” it seems that all the recommendations you have, are decided by the government. Who decides what is fair? Here’s some suggestions: … Read more

Heck: Aborting Reason

by Peter Heck – The left’s logical case for abortion rights had officially collapsed. We can thank CNN’s Piers Morgan for administering last rites when he resorted to the tired, sensationalized, “Yeah, well, what if your daughter was raped?” argument with Rick Santorum in a televised interview (video). There’s a reason why anytime we seek … Read more

Metropolitan Jonah’s Prayer on March for Life 2012

Metropolitan Jonah – As reported earlier on oca.org, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah offered the opening prayer during the program that preceded the March for Life here on Monday, January 23, 2012. “Roman Catholic Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, who is in charge of pro-life activities, invited the Orthodox bishops to stand together with the Roman Bishops, as … Read more