The ‘Progressive’ Legacy

by Thomas Sowell – Whatever the vision or rhetoric of the Progressive era, its practice was a never-ending expansion of the arbitrary powers of the federal government. The problems they created so discredited Progressives that they started calling themselves “liberals” — and after they discredited themselves again, they went back to calling themselves “Progressives,” now … Read more

Catholic Politicians Who Attack Church Should Remember God’s Judgment

by Fr. Johannes Jacobse – Roman Catholic Bishop Daniel Jenky of Peoria, Illinois delivered a stern warning to Catholic politicians last Friday warning them that any collaboration with “assaults against the faith” would one day face the judgment of God. Orthodox bishops should take notice. The report states: When asked specifically about recent actions of … Read more

Barack Obama: In the Footsteps of Twentieth Century Despots

by Steve McCann – How many times will the American people have to be hit over the head before they understand that Barack Obama is the most corrupt, dictatorial, and ideologically driven president in American history?  That his entire being and psyche are devoted to transforming the country not only into a socialist utopia, but … Read more

Orthodox Bishops Oppose the Unjust HHS Contraception Mandate

by Matt Cover – The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops – comprising the 65 Orthodox Christian bishops of the United States, Canada, and Mexico – has thrown its weight behind the opposition to the Obama administration’s mandate that all insurance carriers provide sterilization and contraception free of charge, including FDA-approved contraceptives that induce abortions. “The … Read more

The Time Is Now, Defend Religious Liberty for All

by Chuck Colson – Folks, we have reached the point where Christians may be called to actively defy the government of the United States. This is a shocking and sobering statement, but I’m sorry to say it’s true. If you’ve read the Manhattan Declaration–and I pray you have read it and signed it—you’ll know that … Read more

True Ecumenism, Christians United Against Obama’s HHS Mandate

by Donald R. McClarey – I must confess that I have never been a great fan of Ecumenism, as a drive for greater Christian unity, as it has played out in the Catholic Church since Vatican II.  Too often it has resulted in “dialogues” with non-Catholic faiths that seek to paper over theological chasms that … Read more

Obama “Compromise”: Force Insurance Companies to Pay for Abortions

by Kathleen Gilbert – The White House announced today that, instead of forcing religious employers to pay for birth control, it will force insurance companies to offer the drugs free of charge to all women, no matter where they work. The plan, touted as a concession to freedom of religion and conscience, was immediately denounced … Read more

The Contraception Edict: An Assault on Liberty

by Robert M. Goldberg – We’re seeing Obamacare’s future and how it works. The Obama administration’s decision to force religious institutions to cover contraception is a case study on how Obamacare and its implementation have politicized medical decisions. Here’s how it works. First, health care choices are overruled if they do not flow from the … Read more

Obama and the Dictatorship of Relativism

by Samuel Gregg – There is no moral truth and Rawls is his prophet. If there was ever any doubt about one of the Obama Administration’s key philosophical commitments, it was dispelled on Jan. 20 when the Department of Health and Human Services informed the Catholic Church that most of its agencies will be required … Read more

65 Orthodox Church Bishops Call on Obama to ‘Rescind’ the ‘Unjust’ Contraception Mandate

by Ben Johnson – The 65 canonical bishops of the Orthodox Church have asked President Barack Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to repeal the mandate that religious institutions provide birth control, sterilization, and Plan B abortion drugs in their health care coverage. The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and … Read more