What the Bible Teaches About Capitalism

by Aryeh Spero – As the Ten Commandments instruct, envy is corrosive to the individual and to those societies that embrace it. More than any other nation, the United States was founded on broad themes of morality rooted in a specific religious perspective. We call this the Judeo-Christian ethos, and within it resides a ringing … Read more

The Problem With Intellectuals (and Karl Marx)

by Richard F. Miniter – Isn’t long past time that conservatives take a pitchfork in one hand and a flaming torch in the other, and then, after mustering up the like-minded, simply burn Frankenstein’s castle down? Especially since as far back as 1942 George Orwell pointed out just how combustible the Left-Wing Liberal edifice really … Read more

Global Warming – The Great Delusion

by Matt Patterson – In 1841 a Scottish journalist named Charles Mackay published a study of mass hysteria titled “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.” Mackay analyzed a wide variety of popular pathologies in his entertaining tome, including financial panics, medical quackery, alchemy, and witch crazes. He wanted to know why so many … Read more

Obama’s Unholy War Against Christianity, Not Islam

by George Neumayr – The more illiberal a religion, the more liberals tend to like it. Western liberals who propose no place for God in the public square can usually be counted on to excuse non-western religions that impose a false and dangerous one upon it. The explanation for this apparent contradiction goes beyond the … Read more

2,500 Religious Leaders, Every Catholic Bishop Oppose Obama Mandate

by Kathleen Gilbert – The Family Research Council has released a letter signed by over 2,500 pastors and evangelical leaders protesting the Obama administration’s birth control insurance mandate. They join every Catholic bishop that heads a diocese in the United States in opposition to the mandate. “This is not a Catholic issue,” Family Research Council … Read more

The First and Foremost Freedom, Freedom of Religion

by Chuck Colson – I’ve been talking a lot lately about the Obama Administration’s relentless attempts to restrict religious freedom. You know by now that the Catholic bishops have strongly rejected the president’s so-called “accommodation” to exempt religious organizations from paying for abortion-inducing drugs, contraception, and sterilization. Good for the bishops. What the president outlined … Read more

Empty Buildings, NYC Kicks Churches out of Schools

by Chuck Colson – It’s no secret that Christianity has been unwelcome in public schools for a long time. But recently New York City’s government took an unprecedented step by forcing around 60 churches to vacate sanctuaries they pay to use. Why? Because Monday through Friday, those sanctuaries also happen to be classrooms. This deadline … Read more

Six Things Everyone Should Know About The HHS Mandate

by USCCB – The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops offers the following clarifications regarding the Health and Human Services regulations on mandatory coverage of contraceptives, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs. 1. The mandate does not exempt Catholic charities, schools, universities, or hospitals. These institutions are vital to the mission of the Church, but HHS does … Read more

Suicidal-in-Chief Obama Destroying America’s Nuclear Defenses

by Bill Gertz – Lowest level of strategic review would leave Pentagon with fewer warheads than China President Obama has ordered the Pentagon to consider cutting U.S. strategic nuclear forces to as low as 300 deployed warheads—below the number believed to be in China’s arsenal and far fewer than current Russian strategic warhead stocks. Pentagon … Read more