Fixing the Moral Deficit, Biblical Principles for Debt Reduction

by Chuck Colson – Thirty-five years ago, my friend Ron Sider published Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, a very influential book at the time. While I haven’t always agreed with Ron, in fact, we’re poles apart politically, I have no doubt of his integrity, his wisdom and his desire to bring biblical truth … Read more

Catholic Social Doctrine and the Market Economy: Free Persons and Free Markets

by Andrew M. Greenwell, Esq. The free market must operate within certain moral, institutional, and legal norms, or else it becomes something other than a free market. The free market is not an autonomous, free-for-all area exempt from moral law or from the hand of positive law. The market must always be protected and kept … Read more

The American Left and the Erosion of Public Discourse

by Steve McCann – Much has been made of the precipitous decline in the level of discourse in the United States. Many attribute this to the coarsening of the language and the ever-widening gulf between the various factions in the political spectrum. However, these factors are a symptom of a current underlying and foundational dilemma: … Read more

Issa: Distorting the Debate of Religious Freedom

by Rep. Darrell Issa Let’s make something perfectly clear: I support a woman’s right to use contraceptives. I don’t question whether women and men have a right to use contraception — I believe they do. This is not about religious freedom versus contraception but about religious freedom versus unconstitutional mandates. When Congress granted broad powers … Read more

Darrell Issa, Orthodox Congressman, On Religious Freedom

Congressman Darrell Issa is an Orthodox Christian politician (Republican) from California. As a member of the House of Representatives he spoke out against Obama’s HHS healthcare mandate that infringes on the religious liberty of all Americans. He is not afraid to stand up and speak up for what is right and just. Here is Rep. … Read more

Something deadly this way comes: the insatiable appetite of the Culture of Death

by Albert Mohler – The debate over abortion comes down to one essential issue — the moral status of the unborn child. Those making the case for the legalization of abortion argue that the developing fetus lacks a moral status that would trump a woman’s desire to abort the child. Those arguing against abortion do … Read more

Pro-Abortion Snowe Retires, Will Pro-Lifers Win the Senate?

by Andrew Bair – Late Monday afternoon, Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) sent shockwaves through Washington when she announced she would not seek reelection to the US Senate in November. Snowe, long known as a centrist, cited the “partisanship” of Washington as the reason for her decision. While pro-life advocates may not hold Snowe in the … Read more