Met. Seraphim of Piraeus Denounces Heretical Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple

Met. Seraphim of Piraeus Denounces Heretical Conduct of Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Coupleby Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus –
Consequently, this particular Hierarch … preferred the “modern gospel” of the serpent to the teaching of the Church and is now under the curse of the Holy and God-bearing Fathers

We have emphasized in many of our interventions that the Church, the Body of Christ according to the heavenly Apostle Paul (Eph 1:23) is the land of converted sinners, and the revealed God Word declared “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Mark 2:17). The proclamation of the same Apostle of the Nations (1 Tim 1:15-16) is significant, as he claimed only one first place, that of the first of sinners. This is why the Church of Christ has always surrounded the fallen man with infinite love, because there is no sin or crime that cannot be healed and restored by the unfathomable patience of the Holy Creator of life and man. [Read more…]


Met. Antonios of Glyfada was Deceived by Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay Couple

Met. Antonios of Glyfada was Deceived by Elpidophoros on Baptism for Gay CoupleMetropolitan Antonios of Glyfada released a public statement indicating that he was deceived by Abp. Elpidophoros regarding the kind of baptism that was going to be performed in his church in Greece. Elpidophoros failed to mention he was going to baptize surrogate children of “married” homosexuals in order to get Metropolitan Antonios’ approval.

As reported by Helleniscope from an “Espresso” interview with Metropolitan Antonios of Glyfada:

“The Archbishop sent me a document, asking me for permission to baptize the two children of the Busis expatriate family of Chicago. In this letter he did not give me any other information, therefore I considered that it was a baptism like all the others, and so I gave him, as I owed, the permission” stated Metropolitan Antonios and added: “I was informed by the rest by the priests in this Church late on Saturday afternoon, after the sacrament had taken place. Elpidophoros never contacted me again.” [Read more…]


Elpidophoros Baptizes Surrogate Children of “Married” Homosexuals

Elpidophoros Baptizes Surrogate Children of Married Homosexualsby Nick Stamatakis –
AB Elpidophoros took an unannounced trip to Greece and proceeded to legitimize gay marriage by baptizing the children of a famous gay couple (born by surrogate mother)!!

I am truly incredulous writing these lines as this initiative by the Archbishop is something that should never have happened in Orthodoxy, where all such serious decisions are made democratically – synodically.

Yet, for one more time, AB Elpidophoros chooses to shove down our throats whatever novelty pleases his globalist masters.

From the Greek Reporter (Orthodox Editors’ Note): [Read more…]


Bold Faith in a Secular World: Be on Fire for God’s Holy Word

Bold Faith in a Secular World: Be on Fire for God's Holy Wordby Jackie Morfesis –
Realign your priorities with God’s law. Be on fire for His Holy Word.

Eastern Orthodox Christianity is timeless, beautiful, and profoundly critical, crucial and relevant in today’s world as a testament to God’s eternal love and glory. It is also in dire and critical need of a reset. Yes. A reset. And not a reset to conform to the mores and ways of our modern and secular world, but a rejuvenation, reconnection and reestablishment of our very foundation.

As Orthodox Christians, we cannot afford to become enmeshed in the ways of the world because in doing so, our faith is being diluted day by day. We dangerously become Orthodox in name only but not in spirit. How can I make such a bold accusation? [Read more…]


Sin is Nothing to Be Proud Of

Sin is Nothing to Be Proud Ofby Fr. Ioannes Apiarius –
Sin is nothing to be proud of. Sin is nothing to celebrate. Honoring sin is from the devil. Self-identifying with sin destroys the image of God in man and makes a mockery of the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Orthodox Church.

Brainwashing innocent children, teens, and young adults into embracing perversions and practicing sin is sinful, it is wrong. It’s an abomination before the Lord. Yet, these are precisely the themes and goals of all “Pride Month” events and activities during June, across America, Canada, and most Western countries. [Read more…]


Righteousness Is Not A Part Time Job

Righteousness Is Not A Part Time Jobby Abbot Tryphon –
The quest for righteousness is not a part time job.

Teachers and parents routinely remind children of the importance of refraining from giving in to peer pressure, knowing that good behavior can often be undermined by the desire to fit in with their friends and schoolmates.

We adults need to remember that we, too, are often subject to peer pressure. When we are surrounded by people who always take the moral high road, who are honest in their business practices, and respectful in the way they treat other people, our own adherence to the commandments of God is made easier. [Read more…]


Lukewarm and Fearful Christians Are the Devil’s Playground

Lukewarm and Fearful Christians Are the Devils Playgroundby Jackie Morfesis –
The darkness revels at Christians afraid to shine their light. In fact, a fearful Christian is the devil’s playground.

I was blessed to have a mother, Lucia, memory eternal, who had the boldness to speak scriptural truth to me. She knew exactly what to say that would plant a seed in my heart that took root and would grow for years to come. I vividly remember her looking down at me as a child standing in our kitchen in New Jersey and telling me that God does not want the lukewarm.

“So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:16). Powerful words that every single one of us must take to heart. [Read more…]


Three Strategies to Stop the LGBTQIA+ Supremacy Agenda

Stop the LGBTQIA+ Supremacy Agendaby JD Rucker –
America is under attack. The LGBTQIA+ supremacy agenda is designed to take us down, not just by corrupting kids with horrible ideas but more importantly to separate them from God.

We are all engaged in a battle between good and evil whether we know it or not, or even if we accept it or not. The Cultural Marxists, who are some of the most important and powerful pawns of the globalist elites in the New World Order, have focused on LGBTQIA+ supremacy as their most important battlefront. This has been the case for a while but it has been ramped up to levels never seen before during “Pride Month” in America. [Read more…]


The Good Leaven from Outside the Supposed Goodness

Jesus Christ and the Samaritan Woman at the Wellby Metropolitan Silouan (Muci) –

The believer never stops drawing near the Resurrection until the Resurrection itself snatches him from the way he is approaching it. Furthermore, it drives him towards its true approach to man, whoever he may be, under the light of the dispensation that Christ inaugurated amidst our sinfulness which is still deeply rooted within us.

There is no more obvious example than what happened before the eyes of the Apostles themselves when they came across Christ’s encounter with the Samaritan woman and there are no more effective words, until our present day, than those uttered then [Read more…]


Christians Must Have Courage in the Face of Deceitful Compromise

Christians Must Have Courage in the Face of Deceitful Compromiseby Fr. Zechariah Lynch –
The tribulations of our days will become more intense. The temptations to compromise will become more pronounced.

Be of good courage and let us be strong for our people and for the cities of our God; for the Lord will do what is good in His sight” (2 Kingdom/Samuel 10:12).

The Lord calls His people to be strong and courageous in Him. St. Paul commands, “Keep on watching, standing fast in the faith, conducting yourselves in a courageous way, and being strong. Let all your things be done with love” (1 Cor. 16:13). This command is dynamic and active. Keep on doing these things. The implication is that we could grow tired and fearful. Therefore it is written elsewhere, “And let us not be losing heart while doing that which is good; for in due time we shall reap, if we faint not” (Gal. 6:9). [Read more…]
