What Does the Catholic Church Teach Concerning Capital Punishment?

by Andrew M. Greenwell, Esq. – The question of capital punishment within the Catholic Church is a thorny one, and it is difficult within the cacophony of competing voices to sort out the current state of the Church’s teaching. The Church’s teaching that relates to the intentional killing of an innocent human being by either public … Read more

Are the “Less Fortunate” Less Fortunate?

by Dennis Prager – In his front-page-of-the-business-section “Economic Scene” column in The New York Times last week, Eduardo Porter wrote, “The United States does less than other rich countries to transfer income from the affluent to the less fortunate.” Think about that sentence for a moment. It ends oddly. Logic dictates that it should have … Read more

Pity the Poor Working Chump

by Anthony W. Hager – Leftists promote entitlement programs as necessary to meeting essential human needs, and there’s an element of truth in their position, for there are essential human needs. However, leftists omit a key fact. There exists no right to receive life’s essentials at another person’s expense. Fifty years’ worth of war on … Read more

The Terrible Truth Told by Obama’s Open Mic Slip

by Christian Whiton – President Obama just gave the world a glimpse into his future foreign policy plans this week, should he win a second term. On tap for Obama II: more faith in our adversaries, more betrayal of our traditional allies and more unilateral indulgence in nuclear abolition fantasies. Monday, President Obama told Russian … Read more

Declaring War on Newborns

by Andrew Ferguson – The disgrace of medical ethics. On the list of the world’s most unnecessary occupations—aromatherapist, golf pro, journalism professor, vice president of the United States​—​that of medical ethicist ranks very high. They are happily employed by pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and other outposts of the vast medical-industrial combine, where their job is to … Read more

Lent and the Path to Freedom: Doing Battle with the World, the Flesh and the Devil

by Deacon Keith Fournier – Lent invites us to journey in Jesus, into the Desert. It is there, in that pace of struggle, the field of engagement, where we can learn the root causes of our challenges and be equipped with the weapons of our warfare to fight what the Scriptures and Tradition refer to … Read more

Why Is Observing Obama as a Marxist Verboten?

by Bill Flax – The recent release of a tape by Andrew Breitbart’s outfit sparked renewed interest in President Obama’s murky past. In anticipation, conservatives were elated that the president might finally be exposed. The tape showed Obama, then at Harvard Law, orchestrating a protest on behalf of Derrick Bell.   Without providing any background … Read more