Bleeding Heart Tightwads

by Nicholas D. Kristof – The problem is this: We liberals are personally stingy. Liberals show tremendous compassion in pushing for generous government spending to help the neediest people at home and abroad. Yet when it comes to individual contributions to charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates. Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors … Read more

Free Enterprise and Fiscal Sanity Aren’t Social Darwinism

by Jay W. Richards – On Tuesday, President Obama denounced Representative Paul Ryan’s budget proposal, which would modestly reduce the rate of growth in the federal budget. Ryan’s plan is a “radical vision,” says the president, which amounts to “thinly veiled Social Darwinism.” Understandably, Ryan has called the comments “surreal,” since the Wisconsin Republican seeks … Read more

Betrayal Then and Now: On Great Wednesday

by Fr. Alexander Iliashenko – On Great Wednesday the Church remembers how Judas betrayed Christ the Savior. In the following talk, Archpriest Alexander addresses the betrayal of Judas, how Christ was questioned, and the story of Marshal Rokossovsky’s refusal to name names. Why was it necessary to have a traitor? After all, it would seem … Read more

Progressive Inhumanity, Part Two: The State against the Churches

by Anthony Esolen – A small town in Vermont has recently been ordered to cease its immemorial tradition of opening meetings with a prayer. … The order came from a judge who does not live near. A public school in the city where I am writing these words has banners hanging from its gymnasium ceiling, … Read more

Why Don’t “Progressives” Debate Conservatives?

by Dennis Prager – Apparently, many liberals were disappointed in the administration’s performance before the Supreme Court. They felt that the government’s lawyer, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, did not respond effectively to the challenges of some of the conservative justices. The editor of Commentary, John Podhoretz, offered an explanation on his magazine’s blog. “American liberals,” … Read more