Welfare State: Immoral and Irredeemable

by Walter E. Williams – Benjamin Franklin, statesman and signer of our Declaration of Independence, said: “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” John Adams, another signer, echoed a similar statement: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. … Read more

The Bishops are Being Played Like Cheap Fiddles

by Ann Barnhardt – I do not understand how it is that this isn’t glaringly, beat-you-over-the-head obvious, but whatever. I’ll explain it. Listen up. Especially if you have a hat shaped like the blade of a posthole digger in your wardrobe, and people actually call you “Excellency.” Withdrawing health insurance (like Franciscan University at Steubenville, … Read more

Believing Christians are the True Progressives of this Age

by Deacon Keith Fournier – The agenda calling itself progressive is not progressive – it is regressive. What is happening in our Nation and the West constitutes a clash of worldviews, personal and corporate, which involve competing definitions of human freedom, human flourishing and human progress. The positions being espoused and lifestyles being affirmed as … Read more

Bible-era Earthquake Confirms Year of Jesus’ Crucifixion

by Jennifer Viegas – Jesus, as described in the New Testament, was crucified on Friday April 3, 33 A.D. The latest investigation, reported in the journal International Geology Review, focused on earthquake activity at the Dead Sea, located 13 miles from Jerusalem. The Gospel of Matthew, mentions that an earthquake coincided with the crucifixion: And … Read more

Fr. Jacobse: Christianity and Same-Sex Attraction

by Fr. Johannes Jacobse – This past Sunday (May 20, 2012), Ancient Faith Todayinterviewed Dr. Philip Mamalakis and Andrew Williams who specialize in counseling people with same-sex attraction. It was hands down one of the most illuminating and informed presentations I have heard on this complex and often contentious topic in quite a while. Without … Read more