The “Romney killed my wife” lies disintegrate

by John Hayward – The despicable ad put together by pro-Obama Super PAC Priorities USA has disintegrated into the most noxious cloud of lies, with astonishing speed.  Rarely have the waters of the political gutter washed away sewage so quickly. Astonishingly, all three of the broadcast “news” networks managed to avoid mentioning yesterday’s biggest political … Read more

Liar-in-Chief Obama Tells Preposterous Lies

by Jack Kelly – Our first president was so revered for his integrity that most believed that even as a child, George Washington could not tell a lie. Can our current president tell the truth? Former Amb. Fred Eckert has filled a 188-page book, “That’s a Crock, Barack,” with “untrue, duplicitous, arrogant and delusional” things … Read more

Cardinal Dolan on Fighting the Good Fight for Religious Freedom

by Cardinal Timothy Dolan – Over the course of the coming year, the effort to protect religious liberty and the freedom of conscience will continue. In the end, this is not about bishops, it is not about Catholics, it is not about contraceptives. It is about the ideals our nation was founded upon: Congress shall … Read more

Challenging Liberals on Economic Immobility

by Samuel Gregg – When it comes to applying liberté, égalité, fraternité to the economy, modern liberals have always been pretty much fixated on the second member of this trinity. It’s a core concern of the bible of modern American liberalism: John Rawls’s A Theory of Justice (1971). Here a hyper-secularized love of neighbor is subsumed … Read more

Obama: Funding Planned Parenthood is Important for My Daughters

by Fr. Ben Johnson – President Barack Obama again invoked his daughters as reasons to support the abortion industry in a campaign stop in Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday. “Mr. Romney wants to get rid of funding for Planned Parenthood,” the president told nearly 1,000 donors at the Oregon Convention Center. “I think that is a … Read more

London Olympics Open with Left-Wing Tribute to Socialized Healthcare

by Beth Stebner – Americans have reacted with confusion to the glorification of free universal health care in the London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony as the country continues to be divided by the debate over its own healthcare system. Last night’s spectacular $42million, the brainchild of Oscar-winning British director Danny Boyle, included a segment where … Read more

Obama’s Rhetoric is that of a Marxist-in-Chief

by Thomas Sowell – Barack Obama’s great rhetorical gifts include the ability to make the absurd sound not only plausible, but inspiring and profound. His latest verbal triumph was to say on July 13th, “if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own.” As an example, “Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If … Read more