Excerpts from To Baptize or Not: God’s Love and Image article written by Dcn. Nicholas Denysenko in defense of Abp. Elpidophoros baptism of surrogate children of two “married” homosexual men. [Read more…]
Fr. Christopher Calin Hides His Cross for Photo Op at Interfaith Celebration
At the conclusion of the 14th annual gathering of Spiritual Sounds (2023), held at Fr. Christopher Calin’s own Orthodox Cathedral of The Holy Virgin Protection, the interfaith celebrants took a group photo. Seeing Rev. Amanda Hambrick (woman minister) proudly wearing her rainbow LGBTQ+ stole is shocking enough. Even more disturbing is noticing that Fr. Calin is hiding his pectoral cross in his pocket. [Read more…]
Carrying the Cross of Truth and Righteousness
by Fr. Peter Olsen –
When we avoid the truth, we drift into the realm of not only falsehood but also dishonesty.
Life can be very confusing and challenging. The great gift of free will that God has given us carries along with it the awesome weight of responsibility and accountability. Sometimes we are tempted, knowingly or unknowingly, to despise the blessing of freedom that God has given us, wishing instead that someone or some thing would instead just tell us what to do and make our decisions for us. In other words, making decisions and choices is hard work. [Read more…]
Drifting Away From the Christian Faith
by Fr. Luke A. Veronis –
Many people in our society have turned away from faith, from faith communities and from the faith in which they were raised. Yet, is it that so many have “turned away” from faith or is it that many have unconsciously “drifted away.’
We are all deeply influenced by everything that is around us in society. Surely there is much skepticism, doubt and uncertainty about faith which we hear and see constantly via the internet or in our daily conversations. This uncertainty may lead us to question beliefs we once held strong. [Read more…]
Letting Go, Letting God – Only Christ Can Save Us
by Regis Martin –
When the wise and virtuous men of old looked upon the world, they saw it in the light of eternity. In the shadow of that standard, blazing bright beneath the heavens, everything lay exposed, including the sins and pretensions of men. There was no escape for the self-centered self. Judgments were to be made solely in relation to reality, which the mind could know and the will could follow.
The only question worth asking was how to shape the human soul in order that it might conform, ever more perfectly, to reality—to Jesus Christ, [Read more…]
Transgender Ideology is Anti-Christian, Anti-Science, and Marxist
by Fr. Zechariah Lynch –
Modern gender ideology is a form of radical iconoclasm. It seeks to destroy the God-created icon of male and female.
“Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female …” (Mat 19:4). True Christianity has always confessed that mankind is the creation of God, the work of His hands. To be truly human means to live according to the mode of being, the revelation, the way of life, instituted by our Creator God. Humanity is infused with essential nature. This nature is an existent reality established by God Himself and is shared in common by every human person. [Read more…]
Sermon on the Nativity of Christ by St John of Kronstadt
by St. John of Kronstadt –
The Word became flesh; that is, the Son of God, co-eternal with God the Father and with the Holy Spirit, became human – having become incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary. O, wondrous, awesome and salvific mystery!
The One Who had no beginning took on a beginning according to humanity; the One without flesh assumed flesh. God became man – without ceasing to be God. The Unapproachable One became approachable to all, in the aspect of an humble servant. Why, and for what reason, was there such condescension [shown] on the part of the Creator toward His transgressing creatures – toward humanity which, through an act of its own will had fallen away from God, its Creator? [Read more…]
Those Who Worshipped the Stars
by Fr. Alexander Shargunov –
Astrology was a symbol of all man’s delusions, and that is why the Lord had to reveal a real Star.
Who were the Magi who journeyed from the East? We can’t say with full confidence from what country they arrived to Jerusalem—maybe from Persia, as the service books have stated or, like several holy fathers have suggested, Egypt, Babylon or even far-away India.
One church tradition insists they arrived from different Oriental countries, and once they met one another, continued on their way to Bethlehem. However, in the end, their country of origin isn’t the essence of the matter. What matters most is that they traveled on behalf of those “who worshipped the stars” to adore Him, “the Sun of Righteousness” [Read more…]
The Nativity of Christ as Our Joy and Judgment
by Met. Athanasios of Limassol –
By their prayerful experience, the holy fathers of the Church have proved that every time we stand before God in prayer in church or in our own homes, this standing has two characteristic features. It fills us with joy, because we are witnessing God’s great love for man. Our heart yearns to express great gratitude to God, as each of us, according to his own measure, feels this gift of the Lord to His creation.
But at the same time, this standing before God is also a judgment for us, especially on this holy feast, as on all great feasts and days connected with the events of the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. But of course, the deepest meaning of these events and feasts is certainly not the condemnation of man, but his salvation. [Read more…]
Christians Cannot Watch Indifferently and Allow Evil to Abuse Good and Destroy Innocence
by Archbishop Averky (Taushev) –
When a gentle word of persuasion has no effect, when people are so steeped in evil that they do not yield to any admonishment and continue doing evil, a Christian cannot and should not take refuge in this teaching of the forgiveness of all, sit indifferently with his arms crossed, and apathetically watch as evil abuses good, as it increases and destroys people, his close ones.
To indifferently watch the ruin of a close one by one who has lost his senses and become a bearer of evil is nothing other than the breaking of the commandment of love for one’s neighbor. Every type of evil should be immediately thwarted with the most decisive measures, even including the sacrifice of oneself in an unequal struggle. [Read more…]