The Left’s War on Profit

by John Hayward – A good deal of the Obama campaign is dedicated to the proposition that “profit” is evil. The quintessential Marxist formulation holds that capitalist profit is the theft of surplus labor value from workers. Obama sometimes modifies Marx to portray excessive profit as theft, while fair and reasonable profits are acceptable. Of … Read more

‘God,’ ‘Jerusalem,’ and the DNC

by Dennis Prager – The most important event at either national convention was the “vote” taken by the Democratic delegates on a last-minute resolution to reinsert the words “God” and “Jerusalem” into the Democratic-party platform. Regarding God: Since Karl Marx, the aim of the Left, everywhere on earth, has been a godless society. And the … Read more

Marriage: The Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty

by Ken McIntyre – The collapse of marriage, along with a dramatic rise in births to single women, is the most important cause of childhood poverty—but government policy doesn’t reflect that reality, according to a special report released today by The Heritage Foundation. Nearly three out of four poor families with children in America are … Read more

Hobby Lobby’s Christian Owners Fight $1.3 Million-Per-Day HHS Mandate Fine

by Kathleen Gilbert – The Obama administration is set to levy as much as a $1.3 million per day fine against a Christian retail business based on their religious objection to abortifacient drugs, according to a lawsuit filed this week. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., with more than 500 arts and crafts stores in 41 states … Read more

The Tedium of Leftism

by Bruce Walker – Leftism is not an ideology. No sane person thinks “soaking the rich” or “investing tax dollars” achieves any particular objective. The creation of predefined bogeymen is an ancient and unsavory strategy for seizing and then holding power — the Jewish people can testify to that grim fact — and there is … Read more

The Church and Secularism – part 1

by Peter Kreft – I’m told that in medical school they tell you that there are four indispensable steps to any medical analysis of a patient’s condition. And these four steps are the basic logic of all practical problem-solving in every field — medicine, business, detectives, whatever — because, there are two variables: there’s something … Read more

Government Entitlements Are Corrupting Us

by Nicholas Eberstadt – The American republic has endured for well over two centuries, but over the past 50 years, the apparatus of American governance has undergone a radical transformation. In some basic respects—its scale, its preoccupations, even many of its purposes—the U.S. government today would be scarcely recognizable to Franklin D. Roosevelt, much less … Read more

We Applaud the Republican Platform: No ‘Abortion Rights’, Only a Right to Life

by Deacon Keith Fournier – To the consternation of those who oppose the Right to Life the Republican Party passed a Pro-Life Plank in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday, August 21, 2012. The platform will come before the delegates next Monday for a vote. The platform committee is chaired by the Pro-Life Governor of Virginia, Bob … Read more