Going to Heaven, Piece by Piece

by Fr. Steven Belonick – Over the course of thirty-four years as an Orthodox priest, I have visited countless people with varying degrees of sickness—some with curable ailments and others with grave diseases. Each visit presented me with an opportunity to witness not only human anxiety and frailty but also heroic and steadfast faith. Each … Read more

Big Business Is Not Conservative

by Dennis Prager – Big business has often been at ideological odds with conservatism. For example, many big businesses did business with the Soviet Union. A well-known example was Occidental Petroleum’s Armand Hammer — a major donor to the Republican Party, no less — who did business whenever possible with Soviet dictators. And Pepsi-Cola began … Read more

On Consecrating the Entire Economic Order

by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon – St. Luke’s account of Zacchaeus in the sycamore tree (19:1-10) is a story rich in spiritual reflection; preachers and Bible-readers, coming from a variety of backgrounds, have explored the narrative unto great profit for the education of the soul. A certain liturgical use of the text is particularly instructive; … Read more

Leftism, The World’s Most Dynamic Religion

by Dennis Prager – For at least the last hundred years, the world’s most dynamic religion has been neither Christianity nor Islam. It has been leftism. Most people do not recognize what is probably the single most important fact of modern life. One reason is that leftism is overwhelmingly secular (more than merely secular: It … Read more

Global Warming Stopped 16 Years Ago

by David Rose – The world stopped getting warmer almost 16 years ago, according to new data released last week. The figures, which have triggered debate among climate scientists, reveal that from the beginning of 1997 until August 2012, there was no discernible rise in aggregate global temperatures. This means that the ‘plateau’ or ‘pause’ … Read more

C.S. Lewis and Materialism

by John G. West – “You say the materialist universe is ‘ugly,’” wrote C. S. Lewis to a young skeptic in 1950. “…If you are really a product of the materialistic universe, how is it you don’t feel at home there?” Nearly half-a-century later, Lewis’s question still resonates. Modern society continues to operate largely on … Read more