Religious Freedom is Necessary for Other Freedoms to Flourish

by Thomas Farr – Is religious freedom necessary for other freedoms to flourish? This is indeed a big question. It implicates an array of philosophical issues and scholarly disciplines, but it also has distinctly practical, even strategic, dimensions. That is to say, it raises questions not only about human nature and human flourishing, but about … Read more

The Death of Ordinary Decency

by James Lewis- This has been a mean-spirited campaign, and the meanest, most destructive people won. So be it. In the last two Democratic administrations we have seen a sleazier, angrier and more selfish part of America rising up more and more in our political class. The Founders told us that ultimately our elected politicians … Read more

America is Going John Galt

by James McAlister – Many of us are numb today. Numb with the implications of what happened last night. Numb with dread. Endless days and countless lines of print will be expended in the post mortem of the election, from a conservative perspective. Romney’s failures and shortcomings will be examined with electron microscopes. Why didn’t … Read more

This Year’s Elections and Moral Choices

by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon – This year’s elections involve an attempt to usurp an authority that belongs properly to God. Vote wisely, therefore, and in the fear of God. This year—more than any time in my memory—our votes in the election are going to be recorded in eternity. Since political elections normally deal with … Read more

Obama’s Communist Cooperation Campaign Proceeds Apace

by Daren Jonescu – America’s most prominent, dedicated communists support Barack Obama and are actively campaigning on his behalf. If that sentence makes you uncomfortable, then you have two choices: continue reading and face your fear, or stop reading and get back to whatever activities you normally use to drown out disturbing thoughts. In an … Read more