The Asymmetry of Intolerance

by Tom Trinko – A group of Christians have just filed a lawsuit to have a statue of Nietzsche on Federal land near a Montana ski slope removed because they found a single person who says she’s offended. The vast majority of conservatives, including Christians, would find that lawsuit to be bizarre. Of course Christians, … Read more

Not Sermons but Stories – Engaging in Culture the Right Way

by Eric Metaxas – If you’ve read The Chronicles of Narnia, you know they are loaded with Christian themes and symbols. That’s why many assume that C. S. Lewis wrote them in order to send some kind of Christian message. But Lewis himself insisted otherwise. The tales, he said, started as a series of pictures … Read more

Educating Ignorance

by Janice Shaw Crouse – The best-kept secret in America today is the precipitous drop in the quality of college since the Left seized power in higher education. Every year, various magazines publish a list of rankings for American undergraduate institutions. Forbes assures parents that “Every school with a Forbes grade meets a high standard.” … Read more

Conscience, Not Guns

by Dennis Prager – From the moment Americans learned of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre last Friday, the entire left — editorialists, columnists, broadcasters, politicians — used the occasion to promote one idea: gun control. For the left, the primary reason for just about all American gun murders is the availability of guns. I … Read more

Christians Must Not Retreat from the Culture, We Must Work for its Conversion

by Deacon Keith Fournier – Two years before becoming Pope, Karol Cardinal Wotyla spoke to the U.S. Bishops. His observation was republished in the Wall Street Journal on November 9, 1978: “We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of … Read more

Infantilizing Leftist Morality

by Daren Jonescu – Among the various ways that modern leftism benefits from its systematic promotion of infantilism is that perpetual children lack the basic courage that is essential to the maintenance of liberty. A courageous adult will not trade his freedom, let alone that of others, for a “social safety net.” Thus, leftists are … Read more

Christmas and Secularism’s Futility

by Ray Nothstine – Every December cultural warriors mourn the incessant attacks on Christmas and secularism’s rise in society. News headlines carry stories of modern day Herods banning nativity scenes, religious performances, and even the word “Christmas.” Just as a majority of young people profess they will have less prosperity and opportunity than their parents, … Read more

Calculating Christmas Not Based on Pagan Festivals

by William J. Tighe – Many Christians think that Christians celebrate Christ’s birth on December 25th because the church fathers appropriated the date of a pagan festival. Almost no one minds, except for a few groups on the fringes of American Evangelicalism, who seem to think that this makes Christmas itself a pagan festival. But … Read more

Churches, the Constitution, and Christmas Celebrations

by SpeakUpChurch – Every Christmas season, it seems that the “war on Christmas” begins afresh and with renewed vigor.  For some, the season that proclaims “peace on earth” seems to be anything but, with demands to remove any and all religious references to the celebration of Christmas. And this year is no exception. For instance, … Read more

Dumbing Down American Public Education

by Glenn Fairman – In thinking about how valuable education is in cultivating the next generation of Americans, my mind took me back nearly twenty years to when I was a graduate student functioning as a substitute teacher at La Puente High School in Southern California. On one assignment, I was to cover a social … Read more