Trouble in the Nanny State, The Left Attacks NYC Teen Pregnancy Ads

by Ann Coulter – Like the proverbial monkey typing for infinity and getting Shakespeare, Mayor Bloomberg’s obsession with reforming New Yorkers’ health has finally produced a brilliant ad campaign. Posters are popping up in subway stations and bus stops giving statistics about teen pregnancy that show cute little kids saying things like, “Honestly, Mom … … Read more

The Image of God and the Dignity of Work

by Art Lindsley – The number one fear of the millennial generation is living a meaningless life. In a recent informal survey of undergraduate students at Regent University, 27 percent of students asked expressed anxiety when considering their vocation. “Scared,” “uneasy,” “unsure,” “confused,” and “apprehensive” were common words in describing the way they felt about … Read more

Why do Civilians Need Assault Weapons?

by Mark Almonte – The two strongest reasons for civilians to own assault weapons are self-defense and defense against tyranny. One self-defense situation that comes to mind is the L.A. riots. Who can forget the nightly news’s live footage of thugs hurling rocks at passing cars, buildings on fire, and looters smashing storefront windows? Then … Read more

If Good and Evil Exist, God Must Exist (Prager University)

by Peter Kreeft- Is there such a thing as objective morality? If there is, does that suggest a moral law giver? Peter Kreeft, distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Boston College, takes on these critical questions and offers some challenging answers. “Good and evil are not the difference between I like and I don’t like,” observes … Read more

New York City Schools Give 12,721 Abortion Pills to Young Girls

by By Jessica Chasmar – New York City schools are offering young girls a full menu of birth control options, free of parental counsel, thanks to an unpublicized project by Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration. School nurses handed out 12,721 doses of the Plan B One-Step “morning-after” pill in 2011-12, up from 10,720 in 2010-11 and … Read more