Beware of Liberals Who Come in Evangelicals’ Clothing

by Ann Coulter – Every few months since at least 2006, The New York Times takes time out from brow-beating Evangelicals to praise them for supporting amnesty for illegal aliens. Most of the “Evangelicals” the Times cites are liberal frauds, far from “unlikely allies” in amnesty, as alleged. It is a specialty of the left … Read more

The Price of Gay Marriage: The Galvanic Corrosion of Language

by Geoffrey P. Hunt – When was that watershed moment where advocacy of gay marriage crossed into the mainstream from the radical chic of the intellectual elite ? Gay marriage, quite apart from homosexuality per se, has only in recent years been embraced by more than just a few libertarian sophisticates. Ironically it wasn’t too … Read more

Orthodox Christian Services Restore the Soul

by St. Theophan the Recluse (1815-1894) – Church services, that is, all the daily services, together with the entire arrangement of the church’s icons, candles, censing, singing, chanting, movements of the clergy, as well as the services for various needs; then services in the home, also using ecclesiastical objects such as sanctified icons, holy oil, … Read more

Environmentalism and Human Sacrifice

by Dennis Prager – Last week, Bjorn Lomborg, the widely published Danish professor and director of one of the world’s leading environmental think tanks, the Copenhagen Consensus Center, published an article about the Philippines’ decision, after 12 years, to allow genetically modified (GM) rice — “golden rice” — to be grown and consumed in that … Read more

Please Do Not Adjust Your Child

by Daren Jonescu – Of all the arguments public-school advocates have used to hoodwink generations of parents into condemning their own children to years of state-controlled subservience training, one of the most successful is that without public schools, children cannot be properly “socialized,” and will therefore be ill-prepared for life in the “real world.” Not … Read more

The Lord of Quantum Mechanics and Orthodox Teleportation

by Dcn. Joseph Gleason – Jesus is the Lord of quantum mechanics, and He created the space-time continuum. Physical barriers and geographical distances are not obstacles for Him. He can instantly transport people (and their prayers) to any location in the universe, without even breaking a sweat. With all of our concordances, commentaries, and deep-dives … Read more

Truth is Hate (To Those That Hate Truth)

by Bill Muehlenberg – On the outside wall of the Ministry of Truth building are the three slogans of ‘The Party’: “WAR IS PEACE,” “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY,” “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.” Those who have read Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell will be quite familiar with all this. In his chilling 1949 novel Orwell warned of where … Read more