For Democrats, Abortion is Their Religion

by Fr. Ben Johnson – Why would the radical Left increasingly use such religious language to defend the indefensible, the gruesome murder of the unborn? Because abortion is their religion. Its promoters cling to it more closely than any other political principle. They consecrate it as “sacred” and brand any attempt to constrain it as … Read more

Abortion and the Mother’s Life and Safety

by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon – Inasmuch as abortion is the willful taking of the life of the unborn, we are not permitted to do it even to save the life of the mother. Indeed, we are never permitted to commit any sin, for whatever praiseworthy motive. In addition, it is hard to imagine any … Read more

Christ Was Not a Communist

by Bill Flax – Christians desire to live virtuously with beliefs grounded in love, truth and justice. However, for many churches, justice has been perverted from its biblical meaning — conformity to God’s statutes — into a quest for egalitarianism. Truth — consistency to the character and will of God — has lost its clarity. … Read more

Natural and Sacramental Marriage, An Orthodox Christian Perspective

by Fr. Alexander Schmemann – We can now return to the sacrament of matrimony. We can now understand that its true meaning is not that it merely gives a religious “sanction” to marriage and family life, reinforces with supernatural grace the natural family virtues. Its meaning is that by taking the “natural” marriage into “the … Read more

Catholic Bishop: Supreme Court ‘Giving Legal Protection to an Intrinsic Evil’

by Terence P. Jeffrey – Bishop Thomas John Paprocki, leader of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield, Ill., says the U.S. Supreme Court is giving “legal protection to intrinsic evil” in its decisions late last month that advanced the cause of legalized same-sex “marriage” in the United States. “As in the case of Roe v. Wade … Read more

The Left, Bert and Ernie, and Lost Innocence

by Dennis Prager – Premature sexualization of kids is only the latest fallout from left-wing social-justice crusades. If a Martian were to observe the human condition, he would have to conclude that the Left has an agenda to deprive children of their innocence. The Martian would have no other explanation for the premature sexualizing of … Read more

Patriarch Bartholomew and Abortion

by Hieromonk Enoch – Perhaps this could help clarify why Patriarch Bartholomew has a generally pro-abortion stance. In his book, “Encountering the Mystery”, [emphasis in bold] he says: I also encounter many and diverse issues related to the sanctity of life from birth through death. Those issues range from sensitive matters of sexuality to highly … Read more

OCA Bishops: Synodal Affirmation of the Mystery of Marriage

by OCA Holy Synod – At the Tenth All-American Council of the Orthodox Church in America, held in Miami, Florida in July 1992, the Holy Synod of Bishops issued a document titled, “Synodal Affirmations on Marriage, Family, Sexuality, and the Sanctity of Life.” The Affirmations were issued after a lengthy process of study and discernment … Read more