A Calling to Beauty, A Calling to Holiness

by Fr. Gabriel Rochelle – “Beauty will save the world,” said the great Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky. But what is that beauty? Not simply art no matter how well executed or in what medium. Indeed, we can become tearful at the sight of graceful dancers or upon hearing a brilliant pianist play Chopin, and we … Read more

Warning to America: Atheists and Leftists Infiltrated Russia’s Schools Mortally Wounding the Country

by Michael Spreng – A century ago, the Russian people did not just wake up to an accidental Atheist takeover. Secular intellectuals had already infiltrated their schools, and when the universities changed, so did the minds and hearts of the people. One of the first – if not the first – steps that we should … Read more

Orthodox Church Has Mission to Guard the True Faith Against False Prophets, Teachings, and Practices

by Fr. Basil Ross Aden – A primary mission of the Orthodox Church is to guard the true faith against false prophets, teachings, and practices. To be Orthodox is to be committed to the truth: the truth of the Gospel, the Holy Trinity, the scriptures, and the Holy Tradition The word for today is “false.” … Read more

Melissa Walker Braun Proudly Supports Homosexuality, Bisexuality, Transgenderism, and Gay Marriage

by Jennifer Davis – Melissa Walker Braun describes herself as a “Proud Pride Mom” and an LGBTQ “Mama Bear.” For several years now, Melissa has been proudly and publicly promoting all things LGBTQ+ on Facebook. She “unhesitatingly and wholeheartedly supports” homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer pride. She is also a supporter of gay “marriage.” … Read more

Apostasy in the Orthodox Church Supported by Certain Clergymen and Hierarchs

by Archbishop Averky (Taushev) – The enemy of the human race is employing all his efforts and all his means to pull it [the Orthodox Church] down, and he is widely supported in this by open and secret apostates from the true faith and Church, including even those who have betrayed their high vocations and … Read more