‘Flat Earth’ Theory: A Secular Myth Fabricated to Defame Christianity

by Wes Walker – Where did the idea of “Flat Earthers” come from? The idea has been traced back to “a slanderous fabrication invented by opponents of Christianity in the 19th century and has been thoroughly debunked by contemporary historians of science.” … It’s taught in school textbooks, it’s a favorite citation of New Atheism, … Read more

Destroying Christianity in Syria, The West Supports the Wrong Side

by Robin Phillips – The pattern of persecution is being repeated in Syria as Muslim rebel groups seek both to overthrow the lawful government as well as to eliminate the native Christian population. Consequently, Christians in Syria are frightened to worship publicly and many have had to flee to refugee camps in neighbouring countries. … … Read more

Christians Massacred by ‘Free’ Syrian Army Terrorists (Rebels)

by Editors – Obama’s and John McCain’s friends in Syria – the so-called “Syrian rebels” continue to bring death and destruction upon Christians and Christian churches in Syria. They’re nothing more than bloodthirsty killers seeking to impose Islamic law on the Syrian people. The following describes some of the latest atrocities committed by Obama & McCain’s … Read more

The Myth of Liberal Compassion

by David Limbaugh – What will it take for the country to wake up to the destructive ravages of liberalism — and finally do something about them? Liberals continue to masquerade as exclusive proprietors of compassion, but their policies stubbornly undermine their possessory claim. Indeed, Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America is nothing less than America’s … Read more

Disney Brings Lesbian Moms to Children’s TV Sitcom

by WND editors – In a move that’s being described as chasing “the whims of political correctness,” the Disney Channel reportedly will feature a “married” lesbian couple on a popular kids sitcom in the coming season. “It’s a disappointment to millions of Americans that Disney would choose to become a groundbreaker in immorality,” commented Mediaguide, … Read more

Climate Data Points to Global Cooling Trend, Not Global Warming

by Craig A. Evans – So-called global-warming alarmists are in a frenzy after the latest climate data confirmed the Earth actually appears to be entering a potential cooling trend, sea-ice cover in Antarctica is growing to record levels, tornadoes and hurricanes are at record lows, and more. According to experts, the most recent revelations continue … Read more

Leftist Policies Trap the Poor in Cycle of Poverty – The Mindset of the Left

by Thomas Sowell – The political left has long claimed the role of protector of “the poor.” It is one of their central moral claims to political power. But how valid is this claim? Leaders of the left in many countries have promoted policies that enable the poor to be more comfortable in their poverty. … Read more