Coptic Orthodox Hierarch: Abnormal Becoming the New Normal

by David Virtue – A Coptic Orthodox Church observer to the Fourth Global South to South Encounter ripped into the Episcopal Church, stunning some 130 archbishops, bishops, clergy and laity, urging them to say “no to ordination of homosexuals, no to gay marriage, no to such immorality, and that it is time to purify the … Read more

TV Anchorwoman in Norway Fired for Wearing a Cross

by – Can a chain with a cross be a reason for dismissal from one’s office? Apparently so, if you live in Norway and are a staff member of NRK, a state TV-and-radio broadcasting company, reports La Republica. Siv Kristin Saellmann—a popular TV news anchorwoman in Norway—was suspended from her job for appearing on … Read more

If You Like Your God, You Can Keep Him

by Betsy McCaughey – On Nov. 1, the Gilardi brothers, devout Roman Catholics who operate their own fresh produce business in Ohio, won round two in a battle against the White House. The Obama administration tried to claim that freedom of religion means freedom to pray, not necessarily to practice your beliefs. Once you leave … Read more

Creation and the Heart of Man: An Orthodox Christian Perspective on Environmentalism

by John Couretas – Beginning today, Acton is offering its first monograph on Eastern Orthodox Christian social thought at no cost through Amazon Kindle. Through Tues., Nov. 12, you can get your free digital copy of Creation and the Heart of Man: An Orthodox Christian Perspective on Environmentalism(Acton Institute, 2013). The print edition, which runs 91 … Read more

‘Righty or Lefty?’ Quiz: Leftist Indoctrination of School Children

by Kirsten Andersen – A Colorado parent is outraged after she says her twelve-year-old son was given a detailed and biased political survey asking about his views on controversial issues from health care to same-sex ‘marriage.’ The political survey was called “Righty or Lefty,” and asked students to rank their views on a ten-point scale, … Read more

ObamaCare: Obama Lied, Our Health Coverage Died

by Neil Munro – President Barack Obama told his enthusiastic supporters Monday night that he never promised what video recordings show him promising at least 29 times. The videos show Obama promising 300 million Americans that “if you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan, period.” But that’s not … Read more

An Orthodox Christian Moral Case for Property Rights

by Fr. Gregory Jensen – As a pastor, I’ve been struck by the hostility, or at least suspicion, that some Orthodox Christians reveal in their discussions of private property. While there are no doubt many reasons for this disconnect, I think a central factor is a lack of appreciation for the role that private property … Read more