Motivated by Fear

by Fr. Basil Zebrun – Following His Resurrection Jesus said to the apostles, “peace be unto you” (John 20: 19,21,26). Furthermore, He distinguishes the peace He bestows from that which is given by the world (John 14: 27). St. Paul describes it as, “…the peace of God which passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). Christians experience … Read more

The ‘New’ Tolerance Is Actually Intolerant

by Mark Driscoll – The Old Tolerance vs. the New Tolerance  The old view of tolerance assumed that (1) there is objective truth that can be known; (2) various people, groups and perspectives each think they know what that objective truth is and (3) as people/groups disagree, dialogue and debate their conflicting views of the … Read more

When Work Is Punished: Tragedy of America’s Welfare State

by Tyler Durden – A single mom in America today is better off earning gross income of $29,000 with $57,327 in net income & benefits [welfare], than earning gross income of $69,000 with net income & benefits of only $57,045. Exactly two years ago, some of the more politically biased progressive media outlets (who are … Read more

Met. Methodios: Our Mission is to Lead Others to Jesus Christ

by Terry Mattingly – It happens all the time: Church leaders stand at podiums and urge members of their flocks to go and share their faith, striving to win new converts. These speeches rarely make news, because they are not unusual. But something very unusual happened earlier this month in Brookline, Mass. “You will surely … Read more

Thanksgiving: We Should Be Thankful for Private Property

by John Stossel – Had today’s politicians and opinion-makers been in power four centuries ago, Americans might celebrate “Starvation Day” this week, not Thanksgiving.. The Pilgrims started out with communal property rules. When they first settled at Plymouth, they were told: “Share everything, share the work, and we’ll share the harvest.” The colony’s contract said … Read more

If You Like Your Tyranny, You Can Keep It

by Daren Jonescu – 2013 has been a banner year for damning self-portraits of American progressivism. Just when you thought no one could top Hillary Clinton’s agonized “What difference, at this point, does it make?” — perhaps the most concise account of the leftist strategy of incremental subversion ever recorded — along comes President Obama’s … Read more

Catholic Bishops: We Will Not Comply With ObamaCare (HHS) Abortion Mandate

by Steven Ertelt – The nation’s Catholic bishops have a message for President Barack Obama: They will not comply with the HHS mandate that compels groups to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions. And one bishop would rather pay fines, no matter how much they might be. The U.S. Conference of … Read more

Abortion Activists Must Lie and Censor to Spread Their Twisted Views

by Sarah Terzo – On November 4, The Students for Life of America blog posted an article about Mom Baby God a pro-abortion play that was written by an abortion supporter who went undercover to a Students for Life of America conference. According to the blog, the writer of the play was: “disturbed by how much enthusiasm there … Read more