Our Fragile Planet: Communism Disguised as Environmentalism

by Walter Williams – With the decline of the USSR, communism has lost considerable respectability and is now repackaged as environmentalism and progressivism. Let’s examine a few statements reflecting a vision thought to be beyond question. “The world that we live in is beautiful but fragile.” “The 3rd rock from the sun is a fragile … Read more

Second Code Discovered Inside DNA

by Stephanie Seiler – Scientists have discovered a second code hiding within DNA. This second code contains information that changes how scientists read the instructions contained in DNA and interpret mutations to make sense of health and disease. A research team led by Dr. John Stamatoyannopoulos, University of Washington associate professor of genome sciences and … Read more

Control Mentally Deranged Individuals to Protect the Innocent

by Ann Coulter – Mass shootings correlate with not locking up crazy people. We’re not worried about school kids being systematically gunned down by angry husbands, gang members or antique gun collectors. We’re worried about a psychotic showing up in a public place and shooting everyone in sight. Most of the mass shooting tragedies in … Read more

The Twelve Days of Christmas in the Orthodox Tradition

by Fr. Johannes L. Jacobse – In the Christian tradition of both east and west, the twelve days of Christmas refer to the period from Christmas Day to Theophany. The days leading up to Christmas were for preparation; a practice affirmed in the Orthodox tradition by the Christmas fast that runs from November 15 to … Read more

Duck Dynasty Patriarch Invokes Natural Law

by Monomakhos.com – Get past the raw language that Phil Robertson, the Patriarch of the Duck Dynasty, used to criticize homosexual acts in his recent interview, and you see some sound logic behind it. First a look at the Patriarch’s comments: “It seems like, to me, a vagina — as a man — would be … Read more

Earth’s 17th Year Without Global Warming

by Michael Bastasch – Hold your champagne glasses high this holiday season, because the end of 2013 marks the 17th year without global warming. This year has been trying for climate scientists and environmentalists who have been trying hard to explain away the 17-year hiatus in global warming and link “extreme weather” to rising greenhouse … Read more

Fr. George Calciu ‘Relics’ Reburied to End Scandal, No Sainthood Claim

As reported by the Adevărul news organization, the exhumed body of Fr. George Calciu has been reburied to prevent further church scandals and punitive legal action by Andrei Calciu, Fr. Calciu’s own son. The premature sainthood claims have not been substantiated. The Romanian Orthodox Church has not issued any official statements regarding this incident. Fr. … Read more

Fr. George Calciu: My Incorrupt Body a False Miracle, a Curse

While some Orthodox in America and in Romania have already rushed to label the discovery of priest George Calciu’s incorrupt body as a miracle and declared him a saint, Fr. Calciu’s own premonitions and ominous warnings call for a more sober and discerning response. Not all ‘miracles’ come from God and not all incorrupt bodies … Read more