Earth Day, a Humbug? From Resurrection to Recycling

by Stephen Turley – “What’s wrong with Earth Day?” my student asks incredulously from the back of the classroom. “What issue could you possibly have with being good stewards of our environment?” “There’s simply no point to it,” I respond. “We have Easter.” My student furls her brow; “What on earth does Easter have to … Read more

Holy Saturday – The Orthodox Celebration of Great and Holy Saturday

by Fr. Alexander Schmemann – Great and Holy Saturday is the day on which Christ reposed in the tomb. The Church calls this day the Blessed Sabbath. The great Moses mystically foreshadowed this day when he said: God blessed the seventh day. This is the blessed Sabbath. This is the day of rest, on which … Read more

Priest vs. Priest on Homosexual Orientation

by Editors – In an online exchange on the popular Monomakhos Blog, the topic of discussion focused on the views on homosexuality expressed by Fr. Alexis Vinogradov a priest in the OCA, rector of St. Gregory the Theologian Church in Wappingers Falls, NY. Fr. Hans Jacobse, a priest in the AOCA, rector of St. Peter … Read more

Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts in the Orthodox Church

The joyousness which accompanies the performance of the Divine Liturgies of St. Basil the Great and St. John Chrysostom was regarded by the early Church as not suitable for the penitential season of the Great Fast. For this reason, the Synod in Laodicea (363 AD) forbade the performance of the Divine Liturgies during the Great … Read more

Abortion is a Categorical Evil

by George Michalopulos – the mutilation of an innocent baby in its mother’s womb is an unarguable evil. Global warming, income inequality, and even capital punishment are arguable. We don’t know whether global warming is an actual fact, a hoax, or something in-between. “Income inequality”? Why is the fact that Tom Brady makes more money … Read more

Losing our Religion: “Retaining” Young People in the Orthodox Church

by Seraphim Danckaert – A person is most likely to retain Christian faith throughout adult life if he or she had three (3) meaningful and healthy relationships in their early to mid teenage years: one with faithful Christian parents, one with a faithful Christian mentor outside of the family, and one with God Himself. Seraphim … Read more

ObamaCare, A Catastrophe Like No Other

by Peggy Noonan – Put aside the numbers for a moment, and the daily argument. “Seven point one million people have signed up!” “But six million people lost their coverage and were forced onto the exchanges! That’s no triumph, it’s a manipulation. And how many of the 7.1 million have paid?” “We can’t say, but … Read more

Contemporary Tolerance Is Intrinsically Intolerant

by Don Carson – The notion of tolerance is changing, and with the new definitions the shape of tolerance itself has changed. Although a few things can be said in favor of the newer definition, the sad reality is that this new, contemporary tolerance is intrinsically intolerant. It is blind to its own shortcomings because … Read more