Christian Woman’s Role in the Home: Nurturer of the Spirit

by Matushka Susan Young – Most especially we must bring otherworldliness into the home and keep worldliness out by our prayerful attitude. The duty of a laywoman in the Orthodox Church, especially a married woman, is to keep alive the spirit of other-worldliness which has been so lost today. The beginning of this is seen … Read more

Atheism’s Gifts to Humanity: Guillotine, Gulag and Gas Chamber

by Joseph Pearce – Guillotine, Gulag, and Gas Chamber. These are the glorious gifts that atheism has bestowed on a world grown tired of God. There are lies, damned lies, and neo-atheist polemics. One of the most egregious examples of such godless mendacity is the claim that religion has been the cause of most of … Read more

Elder Paisios: Defend the Christian Faith, the Family, the Church

by Saint Paisios of Mount Athos – Today there are many who strive to corrupt everything: the family, the youth, the Church. In our day it’s a true witness to speak up for one’s people, for the state is waging war against divine law. Its laws are directed against the Law of God. Today they’re … Read more

Christianity is One Great Miracle – The Grand Miracle by C.S. Lewis

by C.S. Lewis One is very often asked as present whether we could not have a Christianity stripped, or, as people who ask it say, “freed” from its miraculous elements, a Christianity with the miraculous elements suppressed. Now, it seems to me that precisely the one religion in the world, or at least the only … Read more

Christians Stand Firm: Fight the Lies, Defend the Truth

by Anthony Esolen – Truth is truth to the end of time. Even if the battle appears lost, let each Christian raise one sword at least against the lie. Even if the fight is fierce, the warfare long, let each Christian remember that our Captain triumphed in and through the hour of His utter defeat … Read more

The Rise of American Totalitarianism – Firefox Mozilla’s Persecution of Christian CEO

by Ben Shapiro – Last Thursday [4/3/2014], Mozilla, the company that’s home to the web browser Firefox, forced the resignation of CEO Brendan Eich. What, precisely, had Eich done wrong? Back in 2008, Eich had donated $1,000 to the Proposition 8 effort backing traditional marriage in California. Dating website OKCupid posted a ban on Firefox … Read more

Cake and Compassion in Arizona

by Fr. Lawrence Farley – Like it or not, homosexuality is not a private proclivity like other sins; it is a powerful movement, and one that now demands the surrender of Christian conscience. Not so long ago, voices were raised and lawyers were sharpening their swords in America’s latest battle in the ongoing culture war. … Read more