Orthodox Saints Got Involved in Politics and Civic Life

by Fr. Geoffrey Korz – A Word to Quietists Who Distort the Practice of the Church What are politics? By definition, politics are the business of the polis – the business of the city. Wherever the people of the Church are found, wherever the faithful live and assemble, the lives of these members of the … Read more

Necessity of Speaking Out for the Christian Faith

by Bishop Luke of Syracuse – Yes, you should speak out. Don’t be didactic about it, but otherwise, you end up being indifferent or lukewarm. If you have the opportunity to stand up and express your displeasure, if you don’t do that, it’s a great danger. It’s a danger for your soul because the Lord … Read more

Priestly Advice on Homosexuality and Transgenderism to Confused Young

by Fr. Lawrence Farley – I suppose that most pastors have had the experience of a young parishioner approaching them privately and confiding in them their suspicion or decision that they were gay, bisexual, or transgender. Such confusion is in the air, has the Nihil Obstat [official approval] of both secular culture and governmental sanction, … Read more

War on Language and Reality – Five Disturbing Trends Undermining Truth and Normality

by Theodore Dalrymple – There are several wider cultural trends discernible in the current agitation over transsexualism, or whatever name one wishes to give it. (“Words are wise men’s counters,” said Hobbes, “they do but reckon by them: but they are the money of fools.” It is only fair to add that, with inflation, money … Read more

What Does the Cross Mean for Us Today?

by Fr. Robert Miclean – The cross of Christ, the Lord’s triumphant and life-giving death whereby He destroys death, is so important for us to understand and internalize as Orthodox Christians, that the Church gives special significance and specific Scriptural readings for both the weekend before the Feast and the one that follows. This Sunday … Read more

Transgenderism, The Left’s Offensive Against Children and Western Civilization

by Patricia McCarthy – Who among us could have guessed a few years back that today gender ideology would be the clearest, most divisive matter of contention separating the American left from the right? To those reasonably grounded in reality, the notion that gender is fluid, that a Supreme Court Justice would be unable to … Read more

The Way of the Saints – Certain Characteristics Belong to All Saints

by Fr. Thomas Hopko – There are certain characteristics which belong to all of the saints, whoever they were and whenever they lived. Among these characteristics are the following: Every saint is God-centered and seeks in his or her life the “one thing necessary”—to glorify God by doing His will. Every saint is Christ-centered and … Read more

The Lord Directly Commands That We Rebuke a Sinning Brother

by Archbishop Averky (Taushev) – In order to strengthen their shaky “position”, such false preachers of this trendy, pseudo-“Christianity” like very much to abuse the Lord’s famous saying, Judge not, that ye be not judged (Matt. 7:1). This is their very favorite saying, which nevertheless does not hinder them in the least from judging and … Read more

Lazar Puhalo: Morality and Virtue are Evolutionary Constructs

Deposed Deacon Puhalo, who masquerades as an “archbishop” with the blessing and implicit consent of the OCA Synod, continues to spread heretical and false teaching, using the authority granted to him by the same Synod, to directly contradict the truth, the Scriptures, and the teaching of the Orthodox Church. On October 26 on his Facebook … Read more