Addressing the Moral Leadership Crisis

by James Kalb – We live in an age of bad leadership. To judge by appearances, politicians today are mostly driven by partisanship and personal advantage. Business leaders are rapacious and indifferent to the welfare of their employees and customers, and to the value of their products. Artists, intellectuals, scholars, and journalists are more concerned … Read more

Islam Built on Violence, Murder, and War

by Justin O. Smith – Islam is violent and repressive, and its sacred texts are the heart of darkness at the center of the Islamic State’s inspiration and motivation, despite Barack Obama’s assertions in September 10th’s address to the nation that the Islamic State “is not Islamic” and that “no religion condones the killing of … Read more

An Orthodox Perspective on Tolerance

by Rdr. Daniel Manzuk – We are bombarded with the message that we are to be tolerant of the beliefs and practices of others. “Tolerant,” however, has come to mean “accept and condone without question or reservation”; failure to practice this form of tolerance makes one intolerant and a hater. These assertions are addressed especially … Read more

The Lord’s Prayer: “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”

by Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) – We can turn to God with a great variety of petitions. We can ask Him not only for that which is sublime and spiritual, but also for that which is essential for us on the material plane. “Daily bread” is what we live on; it’s our daily nourishment. Moreover, in … Read more

National Suicide? Cutting Off a Society’s Ethical and Religious History

by Archbishop Charles Chaput – If human laws do not reflect the deeper law of God, there is little chance of survival. That is why people of faith must participate in politics and public life because the current culture rejects God’s law or even Natural Law as a foundation for our society. We now come … Read more

Who Will Rescue the Lost Sheep of the Lonely Revolution?

by Anthony Esolen – We do not have Pharisees who preen themselves for having followed the letter of the law and missed its soul. We have Pharisees who preen themselves for disobeying the law, even the most serious admonitions of the law, even your own clear words on marriage and divorce, while presuming to have … Read more

Orthodox Church Categorically Condemns All Homosexual Behavior

by Editors – The following information originally appeared in The Word, January 1984, pp. 6-11. The Word is the official news magazine of the Antiochian Archdiocese. Published monthly (with the exception of July and August) the magazine circulates to the households of all members of the Antiochian Archdiocese and other subscribers including libraries and seminaries. … Read more

A Cold Age – Eliminating Faith from the Public Square

by Fr. Lawrence Farley – One of the benefits of reading history is that it enables one to compare one’s own era with other eras, and so identify the blind spots of former times and as well as the blind spots of one’s own time.  As C.S. Lewis once pointed out (in his essay On … Read more

Liberals, Progressives, and Leftists Wage War on the Truth

by Trevor Thomas – The convictions of modern liberalism are numerous and growing: abortion, homosexuality, hook-ups, same-sex marriage, gender confusion, man-made global warming, universal healthcare, income redistribution, and whatever is the next perversion or deceit that will strike at the heart of biblical truths. When it comes to political “wars,” in spite of the meme … Read more