How Are the Passions Born and How We Fight Against Them?

by Andrei Gorbachev – Affliction cometh not forth of the dust, neither doth trouble spring out of the ground, reasoned one of the friends of Job the Much-Suffering (Job 5:6). Because for the Christian, woe and trouble is first of all sin and the passion that precedes it, it could be said that passion “does … Read more

Pillars of Modern American Conservatism

by Alfred Regnery – The basic foundations of American conservatism consist of liberty and freedom, tradition and order, rule of law, and belief in God. Over the past half century, conservatism has become the dominant political philosophy in the United States. Newspaper and television political news stories more often than not will mention the word … Read more

Moral Earthquake is Taking Place in America

by Maria Stroganova – Father Victor, please tell us how the Orthodox of America reacted to the decision of the US Supreme Court recognizing the legitimacy of same-sex marriage throughout the country? – To tell you the truth, we feel like we are in mourning. Of course, no one was surprised that it happened. We … Read more

Justice Kennedy: Define Your Own Truth

by William McGurn – In the heady days since Anthony Kennedy unearthed a constitutional right for Americans “to define and express their identity,” the extravagance of the Supreme Court’s claim has taken some by surprise. It shouldn’t have. In finding for same-sex marriage the way he did, Justice Kennedy made official what he made inevitable … Read more

The Importance of Saying ‘Merry Christmas’

by Dennis Prager – The nearly universal change from wishing fellow Americans “Merry Christmas” to wishing them “Happy Holidays” is a very significant development in American life. Proponents of “Happy Holidays” argue that it’s no big deal at all, and that proponents of “Merry Christmas” are making a mountain out of a molehill, especially when … Read more

Authority and Moral Life: An Orthodox Christian Perspective

by Rev. Dr. George C. Papademetriou – I am making the following brief statement as a committed Orthodox Christian and as a priest of the Church. I share with you my personal reflections on the authority for a moral life in accordance with my faith experience. The teachings of Jesus Christ and His Apostles as … Read more

Normality is Not Hatred – Natural Family is Foundation of Civilization

by James Kalb – the loss of an understanding of human nature means a loss of understanding what marriage is: the physical, social, and spiritual union of a man and a woman. Very recently the view that homosexuality is entirely normal has become not only widespread but compulsory in secular public discussion. Leaders of thought … Read more

Climbing Together Towards God: Primary Purpose of a Christian Marriage

by Fr. Vladimir Anderson – Life is an uphill struggle; the path is narrow and difficult. There are many obstacles, precipices and steep cliff faces along the way. Progress is often slow and seemingly unnoticeable. Like a thick mist, the spirit of the world envelopes the climbers who, losing sight of their goal, turn their … Read more

A New Dark Age: Planned Parenthood Sells Aborted Baby Organs

– Patrick J. Buchanan “If God does not exist, then everything is permissible.” Ivan Karamazov’s insight came to mind while watching the video of Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood describe, as she sipped wine and tasted a salad, how she harvests the organs of aborted babies for sale to select customers. “Yesterday was the first … Read more