Orthodox Church is the Bridge that Can Unite Russian and American People

by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia – The task of our Churches is to pray and work in order that the Lord would grant His mercy on the peoples of our countries, so that God’s strength would make moral basics stronger, which originate in God’s morals of the Bible, and so that the … Read more

Transformation of a Homosexual: What Change Looks Like Through Jesus Christ

by David Kyle Foster – In a recent conference on homosexuality put on by the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission in Nashville, I was shocked and deeply saddened at the absence of those who could speak on the topic of “change” for the homosexual. Where were they? They were all sitting in the … Read more

Putting on the Armor of God: Being a Warrior When It’s Popular to Be a Weaner

by Fr. Thaddaeus Hardenbrook – Being a warrior for Christ has no minimum age or athletic qualifications. All warriors for Christ, however, must want to “be men” or “be manly”. It means to be what a human is really meant to be: brave, courageous, and authentic in obedience to God. Saint Nestor was only a … Read more

Christians Are The World’s Most Persecuted Minority

by Shawn Schuster – For those Christians living in Muslim-majority countries, torture and death are an everyday occurrence, according to Ibrahim’s new research. “I’m not talking about ‘War on Christmas’ type harassment,” he said in the new video he produced for Prager University. “I’m talking about, ‘know your place or we’re going to kill you’ … Read more

Gay ‘Marriage’ and Religious Freedom Cannot Coexist

by Napp Nazworth – Gay marriage proponents will not allow for religious freedom of their political opponents because their belief system does not allow for the fact that dissenters can be reasonable people of goodwill, Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, argued at the Institute on Religion and Democracy’s 2014 Diane … Read more

The Dark Ages: Pagans Turned Out the Lights, Not The Church

by Fr. Lawrence Farley – The Dark Ages, insofar as they were dark, were darkened by the barbarian invasions that inundated the western Roman Empire, and that it was only in the Church and monasteries that any light was preserved. Among the literature of those who make it their main business to vilify the Christians, … Read more

Homosexuals Only 1.6 Percent of the U.S. Population

by Sandhya Somashekhar – The National Health Interview Survey, [run by the CDC] which is the government’s premier tool for annually assessing Americans’ health and behaviors, found that 1.6 percent of adults self-identify as gay or lesbian, and 0.7 percent consider themselves bisexual. Less than 3 percent of the U.S. population identify themselves as gay, lesbian … Read more