Classical Christian Education and Public Witness

by Stephen Turley – If Christians are to remain faithful to the biblical Gospel, we must once again affirm the public witness of the church, particularly in the field of education. For such an affirmation not only awakens the soul to the True, the Good, and the Beautiful, but in embodying the Truth, it exposes … Read more

Nanny State Insanity: Abortion and Marijuana are Safe, Pregnancy and Soda are Dangerous

by George Neumayr – For the Nanny State Left, abortion is safe and pregnancy is risky. Fertility is treated as a disease requiring “preventive” drugs and pregnancy is seen as a disability. Under the nanny state, what qualifies as a risk is often perplexing. Its champions usually see risks everywhere, from climate change to oversized … Read more

Moral Lives, Repentance, and Confession Before Holy Communion

by Fr. Paul Gassios – Many times you have to say to your kids “no, you can’t do that” even if it means your child getting angry at you; they might even say they hate you when you need to enforce an admonition with some type of consequence when they defy it. In a similar … Read more

Scriptures and Christian Saints: Homosexuality is an Abomination

The teaching is clear and unchanging. Scriptures, Christian Saints, and Church Fathers warned the faithful that homosexuality is an unrighteous act, a mortal sin, an abomination. There is no lukewarm, duplicitous, ambiguous, or confused language in their preaching. Leviticus 18:22 “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” … Read more

Fr. Michael Courey: Orthodox Church Must be More Inclusive, Welcome Same-Sex Couples

On March 12, 2016, as a featured speaker at the Christian Family Life and the Challenges of Faithfulness symposium organized and sponsored by Huffington Ecumenical Institute at Loyola Marymount University (LMU) in California, Fr. Michael Courey called on the Orthodox Church to be more inclusive and welcome same-sex couples into her sacramental life. While admonishing … Read more

The Comforting Doctrine of Hell

by Leon J. Podles – Modern Christians don’t deny Death, although they don’t like to think about it, and if they believe in an afterlife, they look forward to a pleasant Heaven. However, the other certainty, Judgment, and the other possibility, Hell, have vanished from the minds of Christians. Surely God is non-judgmental, as non-judgmentalism … Read more

Former Homosexual: Even Harsher Language on Homosexuality Needed from Christian Hierarchs

by Joseph Sciambra – I will always be thankful to that priest – because, he was not afraid. Some would argue that he was about as un-pastoral as you can get: he named the sin, told me where it came from (the devil and hell itself) and then went about casting it out. It sounds … Read more

Christian Pastors Must Stand for Truth, Righteousness, and Morality in the Public Arena

by Fr. Josiah Trenham – You’d be right to ask, I think, what’s a pastor doing at this conservative political conference. I certainly know some of my clerical colleagues are asking what I’m doing here. Some of my own parishioners are probably asking—if they even know—are asking what I’m doing here. The IRS is certainly … Read more